bad news for the users of Uber. And a good driver. The booking platform for car transport with driver (VTC) announced on Thursday that it would increase its tariffs by 10% to 15% in France, a year after a decline in unilateral, which had led to a mobilisation of drivers.
The decision of Uber comes at a time when Parliament is preparing to adopt the law Grandguillaume, which aims to “pacify” the relations in the public transport of the person, including between taxis and VTC, to fight against the power of the platforms on the drivers and to toughen the access to this last occupation.
“to Improve the condition of the drivers ‘”
Uber, in a statement posted on its website, emphasizes that the measure is taken “after several months of discussion with the drivers as an individual, with associations of operators and with unions such as the CFDT”. “The first discussions dating back to last February, says The Express, a spokesperson for Uber. In June, we have set up panels of drivers, with the establishment of the working groups. It has made it come, and we have compensated”.
in 2017, the platform intends to continue the trade and the public debate “on the changes in independent contractor status and the improvement of their social protection”.
Rates “vary depending on the cities and regions”
in practice, “from 8 December 2016, the price offered via (the classic service) UberX will increase 10% to 15%” with shades depending on the speed of the journey. The rates will “vary depending on the cities and the regions”, is reminiscent of Uber in The Express. The majority of the drivers were made aware on Monday and Tuesday, customers who heard the news by e-mail on Thursday late morning.
“In parallel, the service fee charged by Uber drivers, in consideration of the relationship with passengers to increase by 5 percentage points, from 20% to 25%,” says Uber, stressing that it is “already the case in virtually all the world’s cities where UberX is now”. “The impact to passengers will be moderate, but it will allow their drivers to cope with the increase in their costs in recent months, related in particular to the new regulations for the sector VTC”, argues in favour of Uber.
Uber dropped its rates by 20%
On 7 October 2015, Uber had a 20% reduction of the rates of its races in Paris. At the time, in a context of price war between the platforms of rival but also with the taxis, the company had assured that the drivers would be recognized by a mechanical increase of the number of races.
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But this decision caused a wave of protest among drivers who, pointing to a degradation of their working conditions, had multiplied strikes and operations-snail. For the mp PS Laurent Granguillaume, the issue of its law “is to rebalance the relationships between the drivers, ‘pots of earth, and the applications, the ‘pots of iron’ “. The text adopted in first reading by the Senate on November 3, will again be discussed on 19 December at the national Assembly and in January the Senate for a final vote, according to the deputy.
REPORT >> One has passed the exam to become a chauffeur VTC, and it is not earned!

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