Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Attack the market of Christmas : the locals want to resist – The Parisian

Lto the Brandenburg gate in Berlin, it is a bit like the place de la République in Paris. A symbolic place to celebrate or resist. The Germans were assembled in mass in January 2015 after the attack on ” Charlie Hebdo “. On Tuesday evening, in small groups, a German flag on the shoulder, a white rose or a candle in the hand, they are again at the foot of the door. For the occasion, it has been illuminated in the colors red and white of Berlin. As a way to “resist the barbarism” of the carnage committed the day before at the Christmas market in the memorial church. Another symbol of the capital German. A church gutted by the bombing of the Allies in 1945, where as of yeste rday evening, held an office for ecumenism in the presence of chancellor Angela Merkel. Each one spoke according to his confession, the need to live together, a pillar of the ” sacred principle of democratic freedom “.

Tuesday morning, staggered by the shock, Berliners had invested in the vicinity of the place of the tragedy, the Breitscheidplatz. “This market, this is the heart of former West Berlin. It is a place of memory for all Berliners. We who are the children of the Berlin free but cut in two by a wall, we have learned to have the hard head and resist. This church and this market, it is also the covenant of our democracy sacked “, says Klaus Kröger, 68 years old, “came to pay tribute to all the victims” with his wife. In his hands : a sign has a “Why ?” written in red letters.

VIDEO. Bombing of Berlin : 12 dead, 48 wounded, a suspect in the leak

leather Jacket and scarf tightly in the face of the chilling cold of the night, Klaus believes that “all Germans must feel concerned” before commit : “as in berlin, we are fighters, as the French are in the face of attacks. “” Our democracy, it is necessary to heal and grow in the face of ignorance “, still provides the retiree.

two steps, in the process of reciting a

prayer, bending low to light a candle, Felissa, 28 years old, a student in economics, said, ” [be] in solidarity with the mourning of a Berliner.” “This market, it is known especially for its special atmosphere. It is the smallest, but perhaps the most authentic as well. For the past few months, we knew that we were identified by this threat that we have perhaps not wanted to see. I was certain that this was going to happen, ” says the young woman. She also “refuses to [be] let down” and holds up a banner : “The light is stronger than darkness. “

” words are not enough, there must also be acts. This is not Paris or Nice. It is here, ” says Klaus, listened to carefully by Hans Rusair, a former head of construction to face craggy. “Europe is balafrée and demolished under the battering of the attacks. This is because Europe is weak… “It targets the chancellor, accused of” selling too many weapons to countries which resell them quickly to other “.

The policy is very favourable to the reception of migrants is also a cause. “This choice, instead of protecting us, has made us a target like the others. It is a stupidity of political mercantile. “But he also wants to” cope “. “We must not give in to the fear that we would waive to go out, to visit other markets, or go to the stadium. “

two-not of the market bruised, the florist from the train station to the Zoo sells out its bunches of 10 roses, 3 €. Berliners who come for work come in and drop at the foot of the fences that hide the entrance to the site of the tragedy, to the small cottages of wood crushed by the semi-trailer murderer ” black as death “.


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