here you can Find all of our live #BERLIN
22h12 : What a disaster condoleances to the families
22h12 : We are all Berliners.Courage.
22h12 : Horror, sadness, disgust… Support and friendship to Berlin. Ich bin ein Berliner.
22h12 : Still a terrible tragedy that, in Germany, with all my heart, among the dead and their families, with the injured. I’m crying again.. stop this !
22hr11 : In the comments, many of you to share your solidarity with the Berliners, after the attack on the truck on the Christmas market in Berlin, which killed nine people.
22h10 : “We are in mourning and hope that the many casualties will be able to receive help”, said the spokesman for Angela Merkel, Steffen Seibert, on his Twitter account, referring to the “new horrendous” coming to Berlin.
22h07 : Here are some photos from Reuters of the truck seated in the stands of the Christmas market.
22h03 : On Twitter, the German police indicates that a passenger was present in the truck, and that he died on the spot.
21h58 : The driver suspected of the truck was arrested, confirmed the police.
21h57 : According to its door-parolela chancellor Angela Merkel is “in mourning”.
21h55 : The Chancellor does she react ?
21h48 : Two French journalists, who work for The World and the AFP, indicate on Twitter that the license plate of the truck is Polish.
21h42 : The police claimed to have “arrested person”.
21h39 : On Twitter, the police in berlin invite the inhabitants to “stay in the house without spreading rumors”. The driver of the truck would be still at large, according to several German media.
21h37 : As pointed out by a journalist on Twitter, the social network Facebook has triggered its application “Safety check”, as in previous
21h26 : As stated by the correspondent of the Figaro on Twitter, access is blocked to the Breitscheidplatz, where is the Christmas market.
21h22 : Here are the images filmed by the German tv showing the truck, first responders, and the forces of law and order on the spot.
(EVN )
21h20 : On his Twitter account, the German police reported nine people dead and many injured.
21.15 : According to several media reports, the driver of the truck with dark on the crowd in Berlin is on the run.
21h14 : When is it the driver who rammed into the crowd in Berlin ? Has he been neutralized ?
21h09 : On these photos posted by the German newspaper Bild on Twitter, you can see the truck embedded in the tents of the Christmas market located just in front of a church.
21h01 : The truck that rammed into the crowd at a Christmas market in Berlin has made several dead and at least 50 injured, according to a new balance sheet reported by the German police.
20h59 : According to the news agency DPA, it is probably an attack. The driver of the truck drove over a sidewalk, this Christmas market where there were onlookers in a very tourist district of the German capital, according to a spokesman of the police.
20h58 : The Christmas market where a truck rammed into the crowd is located near the Berlin zoo, at the level of the streets Kantstrasse and Budapester Strasse, near the memorial church of kaiser Wilhelm, as you can see on this video of the places posted on the Periscope, filmed from a window of the hotel Waldorf.
20h46 : The Berliner Morgenpost has posted a video on Facebook, on which one can see the damage caused by the heavy weight on the Christmas market and people to earth. note, the images may be disturbing.
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