Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Uber : the drivers waive the right to strike during the truce – The Figaro

The protesters, while still angry, were suspended until “early January,” the protest movement initiated in mid-December.

the wrath of The drivers of Uber do not weaken. But they will respect until the end of the truce of sweetshops: this Monday, they were suspended until “early January,” the protest movement initiated in mid-December.

The associations of drivers (Unsa, Capa-VTC, Active-VTC), which had organized a number of blocks and events in Paris and around airports between 15 and 23 December, and then stopped the strike movement on the eve of Christmas, planned to resume the fight Monday. But “we will not stay quiet”, the interlocutors in government and in Uber, as many drivers leave, ” explains Sayah Baaroun, Unsa SCP-VTC.

The protesters accuse the us company Uber, the global leader in the market of cars of transport with driver (VTC), to impose conditions of work “unworthy”. They denounce his policy tariff: Uber has increased from 20 % to 25 % of the commission it

cash on each race, while its competitors (Chauffeur-Privé, LeCab, Allocab, Marcel) limit their pay to 20 % or 15 %. The drivers of Uber also feel that the minimum price of the race, 6 euros compared to 8 euros at the end of 2015, is too low.

They denounce also practices that are “abusive” disconnection: indeed, they may be suddenly deprived of access to the booking platform, and thus to work, following negative comments from a client.

The situation is tense. While the government has appointed a mediator to negotiate before January 31, organizations of drivers of Uber are planning to apply to the courts to obtain a “re-qualification of their contracts in the contracts of wage labour”.


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