Monday, December 26, 2016

The French debt decreased to 97.6% of GDP in the 3rd quarter, –

PARIS (Reuters) – The public debt of France has decreased from 10.3 billion euros in the third quarter to register at 2.160,4 billion euros at the end of September, which is the equivalent of 97.6% of the gross domestic product (GDP), according to data released Friday by Insee.

The ratio of debt to GDP at end-June have been revised up by 0.1 point, to 98.5%, it dropped by 0.9 points over the last quarter, but remains at the end of September well above the trajectory planned by the government.

The State debt alone has increased from € 2.3 billion to settle at 1.722,6 billion at the end of the third quarter, according to Insee.

in Addition to the State debt, the public debt within the meaning of Maastricht also includes the social security administrations (228,5 billion), local governments (192,9 billion)

and that of the central government agencies ($ 16.5 billion).

The net debt of the public administrations amounted to 1.952,5 billion euros at the end of September, 88.2% of GDP, compared to 88,4% at the end of the second quarter, up from 3.6 billion over three months.

In the macroeconomic framework on which the finance bill 2017, the government has retained the assumption of declining public debt by 0.1 percentage point this year, 96.1% of the GDP. The ministry of Finance expects that this slight downward trend will continue in 2017, with a ratio of 96.0%.

(Myriam Rivet, edited by Yann Le Guernigou)


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