Thursday, December 22, 2016

Uber : drivers call for action this Friday at Orly and Roissy – Le Figaro

Several organizations of VTC in conflict with Uber, and have called for actions on Friday 23 December, from 4 o’clock in the morning around the airports of Orly and Roissy. This decision was taken after the failure of negotiations on Tuesday with the platform.

The drivers VTC call it, this Friday. After numerous fruitless meetings supposed to end the conflict between the platform Uber and its drivers, several organizations of VTC have called to re-engage in actions Friday, December 23, in the vicinity of the airports of Roissy and Orly airports as early as 4 o’clock in the morning. According to Helmi Mamlouk (Capa-VTC), about a dozen organizations associate with these “bottlenecks”, which is more than last week. The CFDT-Transport has called for “filtering”. These operations are the result of the failure of talks on Tuesday, the platform having refused to raise its fares and lower its commissions of 25% to 20% as the required associations of the VTC and the trade unions.

Read also: How platforms VTC want to de-mine the slingshot driver

The organizations are very lift against Uber, which they accuse of a”modern form of slavery”. The drivers are protesting against working conditions “unworthy”, with a minimum price of the race down to six euros (eight initially, ed.) They mobilized several times since Thursday 15 December, with actions that are sometimes interspersed with violence. For Capa-VTC, the claims boil down to the same now for a single request: that the

platform leaves France. The CFDT, for its part, calls for the resumption of negotiations and firm action on the part of the u.s., including better social protection for the drivers.

Uber has assured in a statement that its rates and service charges “allow the profitability among the highest in the industry for drivers, and are at a level needed to ensure the future of Uber in the face of significant investments in France.” The platform also announced Tuesday the creation of a fund of support of two million euros. With the exception of the amount announced Tuesday by a spokesperson for the group to AFP, Uber has not specified the concrete modalities of this fund. What to rekindle the anger of drivers and associations have seen an “announcement effect”. “It is an attempt to put us to sleep and to achieve their ends, that is to say, nothing to give”, had felt Jean-Claude Resnier VTC of France.

The government has put pressure on Uber Tuesday after this new failure of talks between the us platform and the drivers of VTC. The First minister Bernard Cazeneuve said on Tuesday in the Senate that the government was “absolutely determined” to Uber “engages in the path of progress”.


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