This is the third consecutive month of decline. In November, the number of job seekers registered to Pole employment without activity (category A) decreased from 31 to 800 (- 0,9 %) to reach 3 447 000 people in metropolitan France. For the first time since the crisis in 2008. Compared to November 2015, the decline reached 3.4 % (- 122 600). And, since the beginning of the year, 105 800 unemployed without activity have found new employment.
the president of the Republic, François Hollande, has welcomed a new decline “of more than 100 000″ unemployed since the beginning of 2016. “We’ve had 240 000 net job creation for the past seventeen months,” also said the head of State during a visit to Etna France, a small family business in Taverny (Val-d’oise). “Even if it is necessary to be careful because, next month, maybe there will be an increase, it is true that the trend of the last three months, it was unknown since 2008 “, stressed François Hollande.
Asked about the fact whether, at the same time, he harbored the regret of having declined to run for a second mandate, François Hollande, which had conditioned its possible application to a real decline in unemployment, has assured that non. “No, it has nothing to do. It is the satisfaction of the work. Not completed but committed. It is a satisfaction anyway “, he launched to the press with a smile, before replying : “But we will see in the month of may, it has not yet said our last word… “
The devices in support of job creation, ” it amplifies and it stabilizes “, was held by the president of the Republic. “It is said the YEAR, there has been no rewards, but, added to the device SMES, the counterparty, it is the CDI or CDD of long-term “, he argued. “There are two important numbers : the number of net job creation, it means that
Decline in less than 25 years
note that the number of job seekers in category D, which includes the training, grew by 4.3 %, while it fell 1.3 % in category E (subsidised jobs or new businesses). On the whole of the quinquennium of Francois Hollande, the rise in unemployment remains spectacular with 524 200 additional unemployed persons since may 2012.
also READ Nouailhac – The period of unemployment
With the Dom, the number of unemployed without activity reaches 3 703 000 unemployed in November, down 0.8 % on a month (- 30 400). On the other hand, when one adds those who exercised reduced activity, the number of job seekers increased by 0.3 % in November. But this indicator is also down on a three-month (- 2,9 %).
In less than 25 years old with no activity, the decline remains significant, reaching 10 to 900, or 2.3% from October and 9.2 % year on year. The department promotes the reflux of 49 500 registered since the beginning of the year, ” the largest since may 2011.” In contrast, for seniors (over 50 years), the situation remains tense in class A, with a rise of 0.2 % compared to October. It reached + 1.6% compared to November 2015.

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