based on a growth assumption of 1.5%, this final draft of the finance law of the quinquennium of Francois Hollande plans to bring the public deficit in the nails, as europeans, to 2.7% of GDP, against 3.3% in 2016. The groups of the majority have voted for, those of the opposition and the Left Front against, for different reasons.
“We can be proud of having been able to redress the public accounts, while reinforcing the social Republic”, was delighted in the chamber the secretary of State for the Budget Christian Eckert. “A budget is useful and to the left”, he tweeted after the adoption, by show of hands, the last budget of the current quinquennium.
With the decline of one billion euros in income tax for the middle classes, “a bachelor who has an income of less than 23.000 euros will pay less tax on the income in 2012″, added the rapporteur general of the Budget, the socialist Valérie Rabault. An amendment to the draft finance law for 2017 was adopted by the Assembly, without giving rise to any debate, in a semicircle quite a few provided at the beginning of the new reading of the text.
It is a matter of restoring the “purchasing power to the French as early as January (for those who are wage)”, had assured earlier on twitter the secretary of State for the Budget Christian Eckert. “Rather than wait for the month of August, we have chosen to make from the month of January” or “February for those who are in the third,” a part of the tax cut”, a-t-is added.
This fall, which will come into force before the presidential election, and not after, for at the full rate for couples earning up to 3,400 euros of net salary and unattached individuals with incomes up to 1.700 euros.
The tax called “Google” which is in fact a means “to combat abusive transfer pricing,” says Le Figaro, is contained in the final project. Just as the tax “Youtube” that has a lot of talk, the government, the disapproving.
This tax, at a rate of 2%, will be payable by any operator, regardless of its place of establishment, offering a service in France that provides or gives access to cinematographic or audiovisual works or other audiovisual content. It relates to the publishers of audiovisual media services on demand (Universciné, iTunes, …) and community platforms (Youtube, Dailymotion, …).
The declaration automatically to the tax authorities by the online platforms of
The platforms online are individuals or professionals, with a view to the sale or division of property (a car, a housing, a drill, etc) or the provision of a service (transport, accounting, cooking, diy, etc).
Against the advice of the government, members of parliament, at the initiative of a part of the group PS, had returned in the first reading on the tax advantages enjoyed by the distribution of free shares since the law Macron 2014. This had led to protests within the business, especially among patrons of a start-up that is used as a form of compensation to attract executives in them.
Finally, the regime of capital gains chattel will be maintained on the gains of acquisition lower than € 300,000, in view of the amendment of the Finance committee adopted in the plenary in the new reading of the draft budget 2017 and after final negotiations in a suspension of the meeting.
beyond 300,000 euros, these gains will be taxed in the wages and salaries category to the schedule of rates of the tax on the income, the less favorable. This is to avoid that the bonus shares do not reduce the taxation on the remuneration of executives of large companies, as was the case for Carlos Ghosn at Renault, at the origin of the controversy.
is The FTT or financial transaction tax, now spends 0.2% to 0.3%. A victory for the deputies. On the other hand, they are not able to impose the expansion of its base, postponed to 2018, after the presidential election.
To conclude, Mr. Eckert was known to modify in the future the procedure, between the different readings in committee, in session, to the Assembly and the Senate of the budget (and of the project of finance law to be definitively adopted Thursday) has made him “meet sixteen times under the same amendments.”

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