Monday, December 19, 2016

No “boost” to the minimum wage – The Point

The minimum wage will increase of 0.93 % as at 1 January, from 9,67 to 9.76 euros per hour, without a ” boost “, said Monday two union sources to Agence France-Presse. A person paid the smic will thus 1 480,27 euros gross monthly, an increase of 13.65 euros compared to 2016. The smic net is established, as to him, around 1 153 euros, an increase of 11 euros. As in the last four revaluations, the government has not granted boost, according to the sources.

At its last revaluation, January 1, 2016, the minimum wage had increased by 0.6 %. The last shot of thumb dates back to the 1st July 2012, the day after the election of François Hollande. The minimum wage was revalued by 2 %, instead of 1.4 %. The group of experts, consulted prior to each revaluation annual, voted again this year, against a ” boost “. “Go beyond the legal formula of indexation would introduce a risk of destabilization from a situation [economic] still fragile,” judge said, calling it ” prudence and moderation “. The consultative body, composed of economists, prefer an increase of the premium of activity, which would be more “effective” in the fight against poverty. In the absence of boost, the smic benefits each year, on the 1st of January, an appreciation of mechanical, calculated according to two criteria : inflation excluding tobacco for the households and half the gain of purchasing power of the hourly salary of base workers and employees (SHBOE).

Move beyond

But three unions – the CGT, FO and CFTC – asked the government to go beyond. The CGT is calling for a minimum wage of 1 800 euros gross, while FO

place its target of ” 80 % of the median wage “, that is, 1 426,40 euros net. For its part, the CFTC wishes to tender, pay and social benefits are combined, to a ” dignity income “, estimated at between 1 400 and 1 600 euros net per month for a single person. “There is an urgency to reorient the wealth created by the labour to the wage “, requires Boris Plazzi (CGT). Mary-Alice Medeuf-Andrieu (FO) judge, it, that” a thumbs up would create a dynamic of wage negotiations in the professional branches and the companies “.

the CFDT and The CFE-CGC, for their part, will stick to the automatic adjustment of the minimum wage. For Véronique Descacq (CFDT), the increase in the minimum wage “is not the answer to the questions of “purchasing power”. “The minimum wage should be an entry level wage when one is not qualified, but it is necessary to ensure that, through career progression, as people do not stay “, she said. As for the CFE-CGC, it promotes a reflection on the whole of the salary range. “Too much up the base without going into the rest of the grid, this can have a detrimental effect on the skills of the employees “, explains Gilles Lecuelle. The union of the coaching claims, moreover, the introduction of a minimum wage of 3 218 euros gross for non-management employees in the package-days, and 3 549,24 euros for executives.


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