Tuesday, October 18, 2016

PSA goes to both hire and remove positions in its plants in the north – Franceinfo

This Monday, the trade union CGT of the PSA group announced 2000 job cuts in France in 2017. An announcement belied by the direction and nuanced by some trade unions. This announcement is not a novelty. “What has been announced is nothing other than what had been decided with the
trade union organisations, 5 out of 6 had signed
“, was responded by the end of the day, François Hollande, during a trip to Lorraine.

The constructor, which account 57. 00 employees in its automotive branch in France, has presented on Monday in the central works council (CEC) an estimate of its staff for the next year. The figure of 2000 was open to discussion. In detail, next departures, direction, bet on a rise in “mobility external secure” (project professional to another employer, leave of reclassification or professional transition, etc), hoping to convince “at least 1.025 employees” against 650 expected in 2016. On the other hand, it only considers 983 “leave seniors” next year, where
almost 1,600 were expected in 2016. With this device, employees can retire several years before the legal retirement age (up to 5 years in Rennes and Poissy), with 70% or 75% of their gross compensation.

leave “long-term” are also planned for approximately 125 employees. Paid 600 euros gross per month and have a bonus, they allow the volunteers to leave the company for a maximum of two years. “This is the fourth plan of 2.133 job cuts in the form of early retirement and
departure less voluntary is unacceptable and totally unjustified,
, has thundered the CGT. “These numbers are

fake“, said Xavier Chéreau, head of human resources. “employment at PSA, it is 1.000 new hires in CDI and 6,000 jobs for young people for the next 3 years !“, a-t-he told AFP.

the Same debate at the regional level where PSA employs 7000 people : The French mechanical Douvrin, UMV to Trith Saint-Léger and Sevelnord in Hordain.
According to the CGT, 278 posts would be removed next year : 113 at Sevelnord, 52 to Trith and 93 to Douvrin. “The State (shareholder to the tune of 14% in the group Peugeot), parliamentarians, the region of the “Hauts de France” must act quickly and in a coordinated manner in the direction of the group Peugeot to avoid breakage of our industry and the loss of our savoir-faire, has responded by communqiué Fabien Roussel, leader of the communist Party in the region. in This has already been done in 2011 on the site in SEVELNORD, in launching the production of the K zero !”

But in recent months, PSA has also hired including Sevelnord : 500 people to create a team night. the “the contracts are precarious. We hire people with employer groups and we leave from the CDI, replies in the Voice of The North Cedric Brown of the CGT.


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