Atlantico : In general, how can we carry on the 144 “commitments” of Marine Le Pen for the French presidential elections of 2017 (see here) ?
Dominique Reynié : at first sight, the program of the national Front for the presidential election of 2017 is similar to one of a party comfortably installed in a system once vilified. We found the main general characteristics : a long series of 144 “commitments” designed to satisfy the different constituencies of election supposed, without the sake of consistency and with the necessary prudence not to, not to offend.
and Then, a more attentive reading reveals a kind of lightness, a certain casualness, given the inconsistencies of a few promises the consequences of which do not seem to have been considered, such as if it had no importance.
Continue these references that make the national Front a party on the political spectrum, claiming ostensibly a nationalism ethnicisant. Yet, at a closer look, it seems more obscure. Thus, the promise number 1 is to make France the “freedom” and the “master of its fate” by regaining its “monetary sovereignty, legislative, territorial, economic. A referendum on membership of the Union is scheduled. So far, it says nothing of what is expected if the French decide to stay in the Union, while the output of Schengen is announced, and the return to the franc. The withdrawal from the integrated military command of Nato is the promise number 118, which accompanies the promise to provide “a capacity for autonomous self-Defence in all fields”. These are all signs of the great carelessness with which this program has been written.
similarly, the promise to number 27 announcement of the end of the law of the land. The French nationality is gained by birth. But it is also said in the same program that nationality is gained by naturalization. However, what is naturalization if not a sort of “right of the soil slow.” In addition, the removal of “dual citizenship extra-european” announced seems to allow the double nationality, intra-european. All the rest is presented in terms so vague and using these generalities, which are not binding to anything.
We can see, this program promises is an inspiration of the right, consistent with the origins and history of the national Front. But, there is the brand name of Marine Le Pen since 2011, and his left arm, Florian Philippot, the catalogue of the “commitments” draws just as many socialist
The most striking is without doubt the long series of additional spending contained in this program. Not less than 21 promises correspond to significant increases in public expenditure : recruitment “massive” forces of the order on the construction of a new aircraft carrier, through the recruitment of 6 000 customs officers, the appreciation of the minimum old-age pension, the Allowance for disabled adults, the upgrading of 25% of APL, the creation of a “premium” purchasing power ” financed by a “social contribution” on imports of 3%, that should raise the price to the consumer and, consequently, alter the purchasing power, in particular of the more modest and include the 25% increase in the budget allocated to the maintenance of the heritage, the increase of the Defence budget, equipment, it is even written : “more aircraft, ships, armoured vehicles”, without concern for the lower-precision…, th e thaw and the appreciation of the index point for the civil servants, etc highest Point, the considerable increase, but not encrypted, public expenditure is expected to operate in the return to the franc, under the rule of an economy closed to trade and… in the context of a reduction of the tax on the income.
The text of Marine Le Pen can not be taken seriously on the economic plan. He proceeds d'a political manifesto, which strives to take part as quickly as possible of the collapse of the right and left of government, drafting a list of va-fast promises, knowing that voters do not read them or will forget, to the difference of a few images of Epinal.

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