Wednesday, February 1, 2017

EDF: reduction of 5,200 to 7,000 positions in four years – The Parisian

EDF will amplify and extend by one year its plan of headcount reduction announced last year, to reach by 2019 a target goal representing between 5.200 and 7,000 job cuts in four years, according to figures which are to be presented Thursday at the central committee of the company.
The electrician is now forecasting that its workforce in France will end in 2019, in a range of between 60.200 and 62.050 employees, against 67.200 the end of 2015, according to several union sources. A reduction of the workforce by 7.7% to 10.4% in four years, compared to 5% in three years originally planned.
Asked, EDF has declined to comment.
A intensification that is of concern to the trade unions, wher eas the company has big projects in front of it (the heavy maintenance of the French nuclear power plants and construction of two reactors RPR at Hinkley Point, England). To the extent that these figures pose a question, notes a source association, which is asking whether or not they include, for example, the early closure of the Fessenheim nuclear power plant.
After you have recruited for several years in order to renew her skills, the electrician had reversed the steam in the last year: in January 2016, it announced a reduction of its workforce by 5%, “no dismissal” over the next three years (2016-2018), or about 3,500 posts in less.
But the trade unions had indicated that it was already a fork, with 2,500 to 4,200 job cuts planned.
Anything that in 2016, about 2,000 posts have already been deleted, pointed out FO the last week, amounting to 7,000 scheduled deletions on four years. “We had fears for the result, but not at this point”, had explai ned to the AFP its representative Serge Gianorsi.
“There is a party in the duration for a cut deep enough,” observes Vincent Rodet (CFDT). “This is the translation of the lever and payroll concerns” to see put in ?the implementation of after the announcement by EDF that it was seen again in the increase in its savings plan, according to him.
- an ‘easy choice’ -
In January 2016, the

electrician had accompanied the downsizing of a plan to save 700 million euros over three years. In April, it is finally of one billion euros until 2019 that it is committed to reducing its operating expenses. An effort that comes as the State, its shareholder with close to 85%, will bail out to the tune of three billion euros the group’s debt.
But the Ceo of EDF Jean-Bernard Lévy was then assured that there would be “no further cuts to staff,” that which had already announced to the social partners.
First strength of association of the company, the CGT “intends to use the debate in the CEC to ask the management to review its copy,” according to its representative, Philippe Page The Mérour.
Frédéric Letty (CFE-CGC, 2nd union) denounced the “immediate choice, easier, to remove numbers and make cuts in the wage budgets”, whereas it is “not at the height of the financial issues of the company.”
For the CFDT, who regrets that there has “not had a period plateau period” after the increase in numbers recorded between 2010 and 2014, the management staff does not “guarantee the curl of powers between the generation part and the one that is coming.”
An agreement “to anticipate the evolution of the employment in the company over the period 2016-2019 has been signed in November. Alongside measures to strengthen the internal mobility, “special recruitment” according to EDF, are provided for devices of end-of-career to retirement up to three years before the scheduled date.
the Main affected by this component: the employees, support functions (purchasing, legal, HR, commercial, logistics, etc.). But the intersyndicale CGT, SUD, CFE-CGC, CFDT, FO and CFTC of the R&D alert also on the cuts of personnel that “threaten the search.”


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