“The emphasis of the effort to control expenditure is necessary to fulfil the objectives that France has been given” and “to strengthen its financial credibility with its euro zone partners,” writes the Court in its annual public report, handed over to the government and to parliamentarians.
In the viewfinder of the magistrates financial: the reduction of the public deficit, the government intends to reduce it to 2.7% of gross domestic product (GDP) this year, after 3.3% in 2016. This objective, which is intended to bring France into nails european, “be very difficult to reach“, warns the financial institution.
The planned route by Bercy, based in fact, according to the Court, on an increase in public spending “probably under-estimated, because some of the savings shown will not reach the amounts expected“, especially for unemployment insurance and health insurance.
It also relies on a forecast of growth “slightly high” and on assumptions of tax revenue, too “optimistic“, the report adds.
The government has planned for 2017 a growth rate of 1.5% of GDP, up 0.2 of a percentage point to the forecasts of the Bank of France, the international monetary Fund (IMF) or the OECD. “This is a scenario that’s balanced and realistic, even ifvagaries of the upward as well as downward, are not to be excluded“, justified the minister of Finance.
beyond 2017, it is the reinstatement in the period of the public accounts, which poses a problem nevertheless in the eyes of the Court of auditors. “The particularly high level of public spending in France is far from lead to results at the height of the means employed“, she says.
“The public authority will therefore have to be committed in the coming years to improve the efficiency of public spending and, to do this, make explicit choices“, with “a better targeting of intervention policies,” says the institution.
- ‘Failed’, ‘drift’ and ‘opacity’ –
The annual report, articulated around 27 themes, for a total of 1,300 pages, gives grist to the services of the State as well as to local authorities, detailing several examples of how management could be better – or even failing – of the taxpayers ‘ money.
The judges will focus in particular on the abandonment of the écotaxe poids lourds, flagship measure
They are also concerned about the lack of control imposed on the vocational training sector, however, very exposed to fraud, and the “default steering” in the compensation court victims of medical accidents, which are struggling to be heard and to be compensated for.
“The balance of the device has been abused, mainly by the role that has arrogated to itself the Oniam“, a body responsible to compensate the victim, identified by the authors, who judge the fitness work, “imperative“.
They scratch, finally, the social action department of the Interior, and particularly the Association of social works of the police (Anas). This organization is “an example of drift is particularly severe“, insist the magistrates, who denounce the “convenience“, “advantages” and recruiting “opaque“.
in Addition to these assessments, the thematic, the institution of the rue Cambon matches his report — as in every year since the arrival of Didier Migaud, the head of the court — a right away on the recommendations of previous years.
the Only good student this year: the quai d’orsay, and his reform of the processing of visa applications abroad. The new device, marked by outsourcing of tasks related to the constitution of the records, has enabled a “stool consulates” while offering a solution “efficient” for the State, emphasizes the Court.
cartons orange or red are the reverse is addressed to the reception and accompaniment of the people of the journey, the progress of which are considered “slow” and “unequal“, and the policy of support to tobacconists tobacco, “legitimate in the early 2000s“, but today “very questionable“.

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