Friday, February 10, 2017

PSA : soon bogged down in the dieselgate ? – Franceinfo

PSA drew the attention of the justice in the case of the diesel. It is the fourth automotive manufacturer to be obliged to explain on the rate of pollution of its engines. An investigation of the direction of the repression of the frauds was already in progress against the PSA. After testing the emission of CO2 and nitrogen, searches, the folder has just been sent to the prosecutor.

The constructor defends itself of any cheating. the “We were extremely surprised and even shocked. We invented the particle filter in the 2000 years before it is widespread. We have generalized the best technologies to remove pollution from our cars. And so, clearly, we have never deceived neither the regulator, nor

any of our clients. And we do not understand this decision”, ” says Gilles Le Borgne, director of quality and engineering of the PSA. Yet another implementation issue in what is called the dieselgate. The case is now in the hands of the public prosecutor of Versailles.


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