Guillaume P & # XE9; py (& # xE0, left, CEO of SNCF, the c & # XF4; t & # XE9; s Yves Tyrode Director digital within the railway 10 f & # XE9; February 2015l t the pr & # XE9; presentation & # xE0; the press of the digital map of the SNCF
Guillaume Pepy (left, CEO of SNCF, alongside Yves Tyrode digital director w ithin the railway 10 February 2015l t the press presentation of the digital map of the SNCF. – F. Pouliquen / 20 Minutes

Fabrice Pouliquen

450 million euros over the next three years, 150 million euros per year. Guillaume Pepy, CEO of SNCF, does not intend to skimp on the means when it comes to developing the digital offering of the railway company. Alongside Yves Tyrode, digital director of the station, he announced the acceleration of digital map desired by the company on Tuesday morning at a press conference.

The challenge is to size and does not intend to make to customers. Through new applications, data sharing, investment in digital tablets, Guillaume Pepy said he wanted also improve the working conditions of its railway and ultimately optimize costs. “The perfect example, it is the connected objects that will be able to trigger alone or report when they are down. Behind, there are significant time savings. “

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