DIGITAL The railway company presented this Tuesday, the details of its digital plan three years. First major challenge: 3G and 4G on trains …

450 million euros over the next three years, 150 million euros per year. Guillaume Pepy, CEO of SNCF, does not intend to skimp on the means when it comes to developing the digital offering of the railway company. Alongside Yves Tyrode, digital director of the station, he announced the acceleration of digital map desired by the company on Tuesday morning at a press conference.
The challenge is to size and does not intend to make to customers. Through new applications, data sharing, investment in digital tablets, Guillaume Pepy said he wanted also improve the working conditions of its railway and ultimately optimize costs. “The perfect example, it is the connected objects that will be able to trigger alone or report when they are down. Behind, there are significant time savings. “
4G in the hoped for TGV end of 2016
Closer to
For the particular case of the TGV (300,000 users per day), the railway undertaking launched in early March a tender for a 4G signal reflected Wi-Fi within the train. “We will choose the best solution at the end of the semester 2015 for deployment aboard the end of 2016.”
Open your data to start-ups
The other challenge of this digital map will share data. That open data. SNCF said to be courted by many planchant startups on future applications for easy transport and requesting access to the railway company data. Especially given schedules and real trains. “We will open from late May these data with a business model that we want clear and virtuous says Yves Tyrode. Small start-ups will not pay or little access to this data. However, heavy users of these data, Web multinationals pay more.
The SNCF also intends to launch an investment fund of 30 million euros to help the development of start-ups that it considers the most promising to improve its passenger services. These 30 million euros relate to three years are funded by equity and are added to the annual 150 million euros from the digital plan.
Soon a single mobile station?
Finally, the train started there ten days simply a new application called SNCF. “It unifies in one all traveler information applications that existed previously,” said Yves Tyrode. It will allow travelers to have traffic information for all trains. It also concentrate all the information to move not only from station to station, but open to address. “Mobile SNCF, SNCF Direct, Transilien and other existing applications are as yet available on the App Store, but could disappear if the new application proved its worth. “

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