The unemployment figures announced yesterday are retreating for the third consecutive month with a decline of 0.9% in November, the largest quarterly decline since the beginning of 2001. The number of job seekers class A amounted to 3,447 million.
François Hollande, will he regret not having applied for a second term at the Elysée, who had been a reversal of the unemployment curve the condition sine qua non of a new application ? In any case, the President may claim a new good unemployment figures for the month of November with a decline of – 0.9 per cent, or 31 800 job seekers in least according to figures from the Pôle emploi announced yesterday. The number of students enrolled in class A amounted to 3,447 million people. A number that has declined in the three months of 3.1 per cent (109 800 people) and – 3.4 per cent year on year (– 122600 people). Never seen since the crisis of 2008 and the largest quarterly decline since the beginning of 2001 ! After reaching a peak in February 2016 (3,591 million), the number of unemployed fell from 144 000.
also note that over three months the number of unemployed among the under 25-year decreases of 8.8 per cent, and 3.2 per cent for people aged 25 to 49 years. Only the number of the unemployed aged over 50 years increases slightly to +0.4 %.
François Hollande has welcomed yesterday evening a “drop of more than 100 000″ in the number of job seekers since the beginning of the year 2016, seeing it as “satisfaction,” even if “nothing is done”. “We’ve had 240 000 net job creation for the past 17 months,” also stated the president of the Republic, during a visit to Etna France, a small family business in Taverny (Val-d’oise). “The decline in unemployment is confirmed but nothing is played, nothing is done. Even if you need to be careful because, next month, maybe there will be an increase, it is true that the trend of the last three months, it was unknown since 2008″, stressed the head of State.
when Asked about whether he regretted his decision not to represent himself, François Hollande, has assured : “No, it has nothing to do. It is the satisfaction
The head of the State then detailed the arrangements put in place by his government to promote the creation of employment. “it amplifies and it stabilizes”, was held by the president of the Republic. “It is said the YEAR, there has been no counterparties, but added to the device SMES, the counterparty, it is the CDI or CDD of long-term”, he explained.
And to clarify : “there are two important numbers : the number of creations net job, it means that there are jobs beyond everything we can imagine as a support, 240 000 since 17 months… And secondly, the trend is still down even beyond the plan 500 000 training courses”, which was “intended to be preserved,” insisted Mr. Holland. “The emergency plan for employment will be extended to the first half of 2017″ announced yesterday, Bernard Cazeneuve.
beyond the impact of these devices, the decline in unemployment also stems from the control of the cost of work undertaken with the CICE and the Pact of responsibility. This further decline in unemployment in the period could in any case have an impact on the first round of the primary of the left, planned in three weeks.

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