Fadila (name), 23 years old, has started a professional contract at the beginning of November as a cashier in a store Auchan City in Tourcoing. But quickly, it suffers from uneasiness frequent, requiring work stoppages. She learns that it is speaker, and that its ailments are linked to his state. When she returned to work, it doesn’t get much better and yet she complains of having to face a schedule task. She says that he his leadership will refuse to work on it. the
miscarriage behind his cash
November 21, “towards the 15 hours I felt intense pain. I did call to notify my line manager who told me that she was busy. I held out until 16: 35, time for my break. I went to the toilet. At the end of this break, I took up my position. I felt very strong pain. There was nobody at home at that time,” explains the young woman in a letter sent to its management, HSCAuchan City Tourcoing, and theinspection of the work.
And to continue on with her story : “at the time, two colleagues (Fatoumata and Marie-Renée), have expressed concern about my state of health. I asked the second to bring me a Paracetamol. She is part me search for one. I have not had the time to wait for his return. In fact, I woke up to my seat, I noticed that it was bloody, as well as my pants. I immediately asked the clients to move to other funds. Samuel came to me, saying that this was not the time to close my fund. I told him of my discomfort. He asked me to stay seated. I was in tears, and completely desperate“. A security officer accompanies him finally to the toilet.
Warning for unjustified absence
These are the firefighters, who came to take charge of it, who tell him to go to the toilet and and tell him the news : she has just lost her baby : “A firefighter went to look for the fetus in the toilet bowl and announced to me the loss of my baby, ” says Fadila.
According to the CGT, which has decided to publicise this
Samuel Mégens, secretary general of the CGT in Tourcoing explains France Inter : “This is a store where, from our point of view, employees are in danger. We go beyond the trade-union issue, or even legal. Fadila has been facing, every day, to a framework that has not taken account of his person.”
The direction ofAuchan City reacted on Twitter and in a press release. She expresses in her “his sadness and regrets chaining unfortunate facts” and “is unworthy of the manipulation of the facts.” Auchan City speaks also d’‘allegations totally unfounded” and specifies that Fadila will be received soon by the department of human resources : “This case saddens us, but we have never received development application of sound planning on the part of this employee”. Fadila also said that Auchan has been slow to provide him with an attestation of a work accident and suddenly had to take at his expense the expenses of hospitalization.It is in this Auchan City in Tourcoing, whicha cashier had been dismissed for an error of fund 85 cents in August 2016, before finally being reinstated.

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