Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Final Adoption of a proposal of law aimed to “pacify” the relationship between taxis and VTC – The World

This proposal of law has been conceived as a response to the social movements triggered in early 2016 by all the drivers, taxis, VTC, and Loti (transit on demand).

drivers VTC demonstrate against Uber, the 15th of December in Paris.

In the midst of a conflict on the remuneration of drivers VTC practiced primarily by Uber, the Parliament definitively adopted on Wednesday 21 December, the proposed law Grandguillaume to ” pacify “ relations in the public transport of the person.

The Senate voted unanimously this text, already passed on Monday by mps. After a first reading in the two chambers, the text had been the subject of a mixed joint commission (CMP), which has proposed an agreement.

The rapporteur, Jean-François Rapin (LR) welcomed the fact that the MCC has taken up several provisions introduced by the Senate, in particular the inscription in the law of obligations specific to the platforms, booking, such as checking of driving licences, professional cards or certificates of insurance.

The Senate has also provided a better protection of personal data in the framework of the data transmission of the reservation platforms to the administrative authority

and a strengthening of the obligation to accept payment by credit card.

Mobilization of the drivers from the VTC

In the wake of the law Thévenoud of 2014, the bill brought by mp Laurent Grandguillaume (PS) has been designed as a response to the social movements triggered in early 2016 by all the drivers, taxis, VTC, and Loti (transit on demand), different professions, competing for customers the same.

Since Thursday, the drivers are mobilised to demand improvement of their remuneration and of their social conditions, in particular with the us platform Uber.

The text of Mr Grandguillaume specifies the obligations of the platforms and the sanctions incurred in cases of violation and not to impose exclusivity clauses for drivers. It should also allow a better visibility of the sector through a collection of data from its actors. It finally provides the implementation of a common core examination in the chambers of trades and crafts for the taxis and the VTC, which will prevent any fraud detected.

in addition, the ombudsman began to receive in the after-noon, the organizations of VTC in the context of its mission, launched the day before by the government to improve the working conditions of drivers.

Read also : Uber accused of heavy losses and refused to lower his level of commission


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