Thursday, December 29, 2016

Auto: the French hurled themselves on the thumbnails pollution control in December, Le Figaro

GRAPHICS – The department of Ecology lists 950.000 requests Wednesday for the famous ” certificate “Crit’Air”, which will be required in Paris from the 16th of January, and also deployed in Grenoble and Lyon. More than three times more than three weeks ago.

The peak of pollution – as the one who disrupts the parisian region this Thursday – are linked at this end of the year. So that the entry into force of the certificate quality of the air, these famous vignettes, automobile pollution control which are aimed at limiting the circulation of the vehicles with the most pollutants, is timely. This device will be mandatory in Paris as of January 16, 2017. It has also been put in place in Grenoble on the 1st of last November, and at Lyons on the 12th of December last.

” Stickers with air pollution in Paris: mode d’emploi

While the eco-pad Crit’Air can be ordered on a dedicated website from 1 July 2016, the French have really started to tumble over in the month of December. The ministry of Ecology accounted for 950.000 applications for this eco-pastille called “Crit’Air”, of which 700,000 from individuals and 250,000 companies, Wednesday, 28 December, according to RTL. That is, three times more than in the beginning of the month. Three weeks earlier, in fact, according to the ministry, 290.000 certificates had been issued, of which 140,000 in Île-de-France and 43,000 in the department of Isère.

Specifically, this certificate, which is symbolized by thumbnails of the color, indicates the level of pollution of vehicles and can classify these into six categories, according to their emissions of pollutants. This classification is based on the european standard – a standard “Euro” – which was in effect at the time of their circulation.

” Pollution: Royal calls for “the revolution in clean transport”

Source: ministère de l'ecologie

Source: department of


“All highway vehicles are concerned: two wheels, three wheelers, quadricycles, motor vehicles, utilities, heavy vehicles, including buses and coaches”, one can read on the dedicated website. In Paris, cars and light commercial vehicles registered before January 1, 1997 ( petrol and diesel) as well as the motorized two-wheeler before June 1, 2000, are automatically banned because they do not meet the criteria for obtaining the thumbnail. The prohibition of movement applies, unless otherwise noted, Monday to Friday, from 8 hours to 20 hours.

For all motorists wishing to pass through Paris, the restricted areas of the metropolis of Grenoble or Lyon, the eco-pad should be stuck onto the windshield of the vehicle or the front of the powered two-wheeler. It costs 4,18 euros. This price, which is payable online, covers the costs of manufacturing and shipping. This device will also enable the prefectures, in the case of a peak pollution, enforce traffic restrictions depending on the emission level of the vehicles and not only by alternating the license plates of odd and even.

note that sanctions are foreseen in case of absence of thumbnail Crit’Air: a fine fixed according to the different types of vehicles. 135 euros for heavy goods vehicles and buses (the equivalent of a contravention of the 4th class), and € 68 for cars and other vehicles (violation of the 3rd class). “If the fine is not settled within a period of 45 days it is increased to 180 euros for the 3rd class and € 375 for the 4th class,” warns the administration.

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