SNCF will compensate today the passengers of the TGV and City, which has a delay of at least 30 minutes to their arrival, whatever the reason warranty, a “more advantageous” than the european rule in force.
“We decided to make this guarantee, the best guarantee of Europe,” sums up Rachel Picard, managing director of Voyages SNCF, a branch of the public undertaking responsible in particular for the exploitation of high-speed trains.
from December, 1st, “the traveler will have the guarantee to be refunded when there is a delay beyond 30 minutes, and regardless of the reason for the delay”, she said. Until now, SNCF dédommageait passengers only if the delay was attributable to you, including in the event of a strike, when the train schedules were known.

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But this rule excluded the vagaries of the external, such as weather events or malicious acts, which represent a “third party delays”, according to the head.
“further than the european regulation”
The SNCF “goes further than the european regulation” which provides for compensation beyond a late hour and not 30 minutes, ” notes the director, who refused to disclose the cost of this new measure.
“This will necessarily increase the demand for refunds”, has, however, admitted a spokesman of the railway company. According to calculations of the SNCF, this new bond, which represents a significant progress for the travelers,” could serve “up to 50% of travellers more”.
The rule is also “more favourable than at competitors”, “simpler”, “quicker” and “more flexible”, said Ms. Picard.
purchase order
The user will be able to make a claim online, click the link “guarantee punctuality” of the site STATION, upon the arrival of the train. It will get “a purchase in 48 hours” and may use “all channels” and “several times, if he wishes,”.
The amounts of compensation are also “more generous” than those imposed by the european regulation: 25% for a delay of 30 minutes to 2 hours, 50% between 2h and 3h, and 75% beyond. The european text, which entered into force in 2009, caps the compensation at 50% from 3 hour delay.
The european countries have had the possibility of extending the application of this text until 2024, in requesting an exemption of five years, renewable twice. France had requested a waiver until 2014. Since then, the SNCF, was “exempted from repaying to the external causes”, has “led to discussions with the State and with Brussels on new rules and regulations put in place,” said Ms. Picard.
According to the SNCF, the rate of regularity of the TGV is 89.8% since the beginning of the year, the City 88.7%.
Fear of users
In the region of Centre-Val de Loire, some of the users ‘ associations are wondering about the consequences of this measure on the price of the notes.
The SNCF compensate the delays from 30 minutes on the TGV and City
from December, 1st, “the traveller will have the guarantee to be refunded when there is a delay beyond 30 minutes, and regardless of the reason for the delay,” said Rachel Picard, managing director of Voyages SNCF. Until now, SNCF dédommageait passengers only if the delay was attributable to you, including in the event of a strike, when the train schedules were known. But this rule excluded the vagaries of the external, such as weather events or malicious acts, which represent a “third party delays”, according to the head. The SNCF “goes further than the european regulation” which provides for compensation beyond a late hour and not 30 minutes, ” notes the director, who refused to disclose the cost of this new measure. Speakers : Jean-Pierre Chartres, director-delegate TGV Centre-Val de Loire – Pascal Foulon, collective Stations of the Val de Loire. – France 3 Centre Val de Loire 8211; Alain-Georges Emonet, Aurélie Darblade and Eric Martinen

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