Saturday, December 17, 2016

Regulated prices of gas are going to spike to over 5% in January – The Express

Bad news for some 5.8 million of the French. The bill of gas consumers subject to regulated tariffs of Engie will increase by more than 5% on the 1st January. In question: the increase of a fee and the cost of supply of the supplier.

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The higher costs of supply Engie will result in an average increase of regulated tariffs of 2.3% for the next month, said the Commission of energy regulation in a deliberation published on Saturday in the official Journal. In detail, the increase on the 1st January next will be 2.4% for households who use gas for heating, 0.8% for those who use it for cooking, and 1.4% for those who make it a dual-purpose cooking and hot water.

A 12 per cent decrease since January 2015

In aggregate, the regulated tariffs in the gas, however, have registered an average decrease of 1.2% from the month of January 2016, and 12% from January 2015, according to the CRE.

these developments will add to the impact of the

increase of the domestic tax on the consumption of natural gas (TICGN), which applies to all consumers of gas. It will go to 5.88 euros per megawatt-hour (MWh), compared with 4,34 € currently, inducing an increase of approximately 3% of the invoice for customers with regulated tariffs.

In total, including all taxes, the annual bill for gas will increase from 55.9 euros for heating, 9.9 euros for the use of, cooking and hot water, and 2.5 euros for the single cook, said the CRE. Since the opening of the energy market to the competition, 10.6 million French consumers, subscribers to the gas have the choice between regulated tariffs of the former monopoly and the market price, offered both by Engie than by its competitors.


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