Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Wall Street gained some ground, the Dow Jones to a record – Boursorama

the facade of The Nasdaq marketsite in New York in August 2015 ( AFP/Archives / DON EMMERT )

the facade of The Nasdaq marketsite in New York in August 2015 ( AFP/Archives / DON EMMERT )

According to the final results, the index featured Dow Jones Industrial Average has made 35,54 points to 19.251,78 points, finishing as the day before at an unprecedented level, and the Nasdaq, to dominant technological, 24,11 points to 5.333,00 points. The expanded index S&P 500 has gained 7,52 points, or 0,34%, 2.212,23 points.

“I don’t think there has been a particular engine today,” admitted Michael James, of Wedbush Securities, highlighting the good performance of specific sectors.

In particular, it noted that the banking stocks, very in shape since the election in early November of the republican Donald Trump in the american presidency, had even had an excellent meeting, Goldman Sachs taking, for example, compared to 1.24% at 231,38 dollars and Citi 1.12% by 57,92 dollars.

The economic news, however, was far from being empty in the United States, with multiple indicators: industrial orders accelerated in October but the trade deficit is more dug in than expected and, for what was the most monitored by some analysts, the productivity has certainly increased, but remained below expectations in the third quarter.

Rather contrasting, these statistics have hardly seemed to weigh on the stock Exchange, which seems to continue to capitalize on the upturn following the election, Mr. Trump, not only sensitive on the financial values, but also on sectors such as the industry.

“We finally got to the point where (…) all markets have revised their report at risk,” summarized Chris Low of FTN Financial. “Frankly, that’s a relief.”

If Mr Low was referring largely to the boom that followed the us presidential election, the resistance of Wall Street in risk was

also significant compared to the news of the weekend in Italy.

As the major european stock markets, Wall Street is absolutely not scared of the resignation announced by the president of the Council, Matteo Renzi, following the rejection by the ballot box, a project of constitutional reform.

- Boeing behind -

Among the values, the dealer of cars AutoZone has not only gained 0.44 per cent to 779,81 dollars after seeing its turnover and its net profit to climb to the last quarter.

The real estate developer Toll Brothers has taken 4,79% 31,93 dollars after the announcement of an increase in its quarterly sales, though its net income has declined.

The web hosting GoDaddy has advanced 4,69% 36,37 dollars after the announcement of the purchase for 1.79 billion dollars of Host Europe Group, based in the United Kingdom and a specialist in online data storage.

The aircraft manufacturer Boeing has taken a 0.05% to 152,24 dollars, remaining behind after Mr. Trump has called for the outright cancellation of the contract for a future presidential plane “Air Force One”.

The bond market was hesitant: to 21: 30 GMT, the yield on Treasury bills to 10 years fell to 2,389%, compared to 2,406% Monday evening, and that bills to 30 years rose to 3,078%, compared to 3,075% previously.


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