The minister of Labour will reveal Monday morning, the increase in the minimum wage (Smic), at a meeting of the national Commission on collective bargaining (CNNC). The CGT, FO and CFTC have requested Thursday that the government give a “boost” to the minimum wage.
The hourly Minimum wage could increase the 1st of January of the 9 or 10 cents. He will then reach 9,76 or 9,77 € gross. Since January 1, 2016, the hourly Minimum wage amounted to 9.67 € gross due to an increase of 0.66 %, which corresponds to a gross monthly salary of 1 466,62 € (1 141,67 € net).
The revaluation, the official Minimum wage must be announced on Monday by Myriam El Khomri, minister of Labour.
upgrading mechanical of the Minimum wage is calculated on the basis of two criteria : the price index for consumption excluding tobacco and half the gain of purchasing power of the hourly salary of base workers and employees (SHBOE).
In 2015, the increase in the minimum wage (Smic) had been +0,84% in 2014 from +to 1.06 % and in 2013 to only +0.3 percent.

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