Saturday, December 17, 2016

The government is calling the end of the movement of drivers against Uber – The Figaro

VIDEO – The secretary of State in charge of Transport has condemned the violence that took place in the margins of the protests. The drivers in anger, have called to continue the actions undertaken since Thursday to denounce what they see as a “modern-day slavery”.

Six people in custody, a complaint Uber-violence and a request for police protection for its drivers… the government, which was in the first time showed understanding with the protesters in their fight against the american company has decided to show its muscles. The secretary of State responsible for Transport, Alain Vidalies, who had received it on Friday evening, the drivers angry and asked Uber to make an effort and open up the discussion, asked this Saturday to the representatives of the drivers ‘cars of transportation with a driver” to put an end to their movement. He also condemned the violence that took place in the margins of the protest. “Alain Vidalies condemns with the greatest firmness the unacceptable violence seen in this night in the framework of the movement of drivers VTC,” said the ministry in a press release. “He also deplores the non-observance of the truce, decided yesterday afternoon with their representatives, and ask the m to put an end to this movement and blockages to disrupt traffic on the public way”, he added.

” Cost, insurance, qualification: the differences between taxis and VTC

The situation is tense since Thursday in the area of the VTC. The drivers are engaged in a standoff with the reservation platform, in particular the american Uber. They denounce its tariff policy considered and adversely decided without consultation. After two days of action, Thursday 15 and Friday 16 December, the protesters eventually agreed to a truce at the request of the government. In this weekend of holidays, alternating circulation and last straight line for the Christmas shopping, Uber had also agreed to not, and to respond to the call of the government to meet the


But the lull was short-lived. Two organizations behind the mobilization of the VTC have called as early as Saturday mid-day at new shares, in particular the blocking of access to the paris Orly airport. “Uber, it is a little clever. At 11.30 they sent us an email that said, ‘stop everything, you are called to try to discuss’, Uber is making fun of us,” said the megaphone Sayah Baaroun, spokesman for the Unsa-VTC. “Uber wants to win more time” and “choose its interlocutors”, felt his side Hassan Benbarak, Capa-VTC. He lamented that Uber has offered Friday night in his press release of a round table segment with all stakeholders, and not with the only two unions that organized the mobilization since Thursday. He warned that “the ile-de-france will have serious problems on the airports and train stations”. And the ultimate threat, as of Monday he plans to visit the u.s. company to block its premises. At Orly, to 16 hours, se veral tens of VTC stationed on an access road to the terminals South and West of the airport to prevent the VTC non-strikers to pass, found an AFP journalist. Some have taped electoral maps on their windows, eggs and flour were thrown over the non-strikers. Source airport, a procession of a hundred of the vehicle and was headed towards the airport, south of paris. The drivers on strike should remain “up to 20 hours – 21 hours” at Orly, specified to the AFP Sayah Baaroun. “And tomorrow we will resume the airports”, he said. “What we ask for, and the State agrees, it is a date, and a formal appointment with Uber under the tutelage of the State”. Alain Vidalies had prévunnonce to receive the officer of Uber “early this week”.


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