The platform booking of car transport with driver (VTC) Uber has announced an increase of its prices in France, for “to improve the condition of drivers” working with her, but with an increase in the commission charged on the price of the races (from 20% to 25%).
“This announcement does not interest us,” responded to AFP Sayah Baaroun, secretary general of the SCP/VTC (affiliated to Unsa). With the new pricing, “on each race you win 50, 60, 90 cents” depending on the routes, “but Uber guzzles” on the commission, summarizes-t-it.
According to him, the decision of Uber is primarily part in reaction to the protests planned for 15 December against the american group, relayed from several days on the social networks before being made official on Thursday.
The drivers ‘ “feeling spoiled by the app” are called to “engage” on this day, via a “logout of mass” and “a historical gathering” in Paris, wrote on his account Facebook the association Capa-VTC, co-organizer of the event with the association of the VTC of France, the SCP/VTC and Active-VTC.
A parade is planned between the porte Maillot in Paris and the headquarters of Uber in France in the 19th arrondissement, a-t-on learned from the organisers.
The decision of Uber comes at a time when Parliament is preparing to adopt the law Grandguillaume, which aims among others to fight against the
The leaders of Uber “try to make an announcement effect” because they lost on the political terrain, but “it’s humbug“, commented to the AFP Jean-Claude Resnier, president of VTC of France.
“as long As they will not have higher pricing than the taxi, that they will not decline their margin so as to be able to do the work of the partners or employees properly and within the law, by paying their charges, VAT and taxes on the French territory, I will be against“, he started.
For the federation CFDT transport, the tariff increase is Uber – “does not compensate for the losses since October 2015“, the date on which the company had a 20% reduction of the rates of its races in Paris. Most importantly, it “not always a guarantee of a decent salary in relation to the volume of hours worked“, she says.
“We check our drivers and it does not preclude an action CFDT on December 15,“, said to AFP Fabian Tosolini, spokesperson of the federation.

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