Cyril Hanouna Pierre Lescure, passing by Marc-Olivier Fogiel, many figures of the PAF have expressed their sadness.
In 2010, he had been the first patron of the public audiovisual sector directly appointed by the president of the Republic, Nicolas Sarkozy at the time. But he had failed to obtain the renewal of its mandate and handed over the chairmanship to Delphine Ernotte last year.
the head of France Télévisions, Rémy Pflimlin had entered into a collective agreement with the trade unions, tackled the question of the digital and began the merger of the offices of France 2 and France 3.
In 2014, a few months before the end of its mandate, the superior audiovisual Council had drawn up a mixed picture of its action. The CSA had hailed its results in terms of audiences and a “offers abundant information and quality“, but criticized the fiction not quite innovative, programmes that are too close to those of the private or cultural programs relegated at the end of the evening.
“With Rémy Pflimlin goes a man who has devoted his entire life to the press, the media and the public information“, has risen to the presidency of the Republic in a press release, noting that he “helped to modernize” France Télévisions, “developing its digital offer“.
The accession of Mr. Pflimlin at the head of France Télévisions has been the crowning glory of the career of this graduate of HEC business school, passionate about music and culture.
Born in Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin) on February 17, 1954, Rémy Pflimlin started his career at the weekly magazine “Days of France“. There is advertising director from 1979 to 1985, before joining the regional newspaper of strasbourg, Les Dernières Nouvelles d’alsace (DNA).
In June 1991, he was appointed assistant general manager of the Société alsacienne de publications, which publishes the daily newspaper, “Alsace“, a rival of DNA, of which he is the chairman of the management board from 1993 to 1999.
This discreet man, considered extremely organized, and loyal in friendship, takes on important responsibilities within the Union of
- Man of compromise,
In 1999, his career gains momentum he is appointed as director general of France 3. It was under his leadership that the chain will launch new initiatives, such as the famous daily soap opera in the runaway success, “Plus Belle la Vie“.
He sits at the same time the higher Council of Agence France-Presse.
Rémy Pflimlin will remain in France 3 until 2005, the year of the arrival of Patrick de Carolis at the head of France Télévisions, who chooses his men.
It becomes then, in January 2006, the director-general of the New Courier of the Parisian Press (NMPP) renamed Presstalis, the main company in charge of the distribution of the press.
This man of compromise, has been working to rescue the company, faced with a crisis of governance but also to the difficulties of the newspapers and a French magazine.
“The NMPP, of which it was not aware of the complex structure, it has managed to create a relationship of trust, without ever robbing anyone, and yet achieve its purpose“, has entrusted one of its employees.
Passionate about contemporary music, Remy Pflimlin has been president of the Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris, but also of Musica, festival international des musiques d’aujourd’hui Strasbourg. It doesn shogun did not shun frank to as many concerts of singers and more contemporary.
His name had been regularly advanced to the presidency of Arte, the franco-German cultural channel.
Married and the father of four children, Rémy Pflimlin was appointed councillor of State in extraordinary service in 2015.

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