The announcement of Uber comes at a time when Parliament is preparing to adopt the law Grandguillaume, which aims to “peaceful” relations in the public transport of the person, including between taxis and VTC (cars for transport with driver), to combat the influence of the platforms on the drivers and harden the access to this last occupation.
Specifically, “on or after 8 December 2016, the price offered via (the classic service) UberX will increase 10% to 15%,” said Uber on Thursday on its website.
The platform to make that announcement of a change to one aspect of his service upon which it had been attacked by the competition: “In the Grand Paris, the price of races will be known in advance. Gone is the uncertainty.”
Uber has nevertheless identified five points that the commission collects on prices of races, to 25%, a level applied, according to her “in almost all the cities of the world where UberX is present“.
She claimed to have carried out “several months of discussion with the drivers as an individual, with associations of operators and with unions such as the CFDT“.
“To 2017, our priority is to improve the condition of the driver“, assured the company, also referred to proceedings of the Urssaf to reclassify the drivers as employees.
“The impact to passengers will be moderate“, has argued Uber.
On 7 October 2015, Uber had a 20% reduction of the rates of its races in Paris. At the time, in a context of price war between platforms, but also with the taxis, the company had assured that the drivers would be recognized by an increase of their activity.
- ‘humbug’ –
But this decision caused a wave of protest among drivers who were sticking to a degradation of their working conditions.
Bertrand Altmayer, co-founder of the platform of VTC French Marcel, has welcomed the rise in rates of Uber, although he had refused to align itself with those a year ago.
“We will finally be on a level playing field and stop this dumping artificial, for us it is a very beautiful opportunity“, he explained to the AFP. .
the Same opinion with his competitor Yanis Kiansky, CEO of Allocab. “If you want to have a customer well served, above all, we need him to send a driver happy to work, that is to say, who makes a good living“, a-t-he told AFP.
“It is a victory for the drivers, ( … ) Uber aligns with the rates of the French players because they need to enhance their quality of service“, he estimated.
the trade union Side, the secretary general of the SCP/VTC (affiliated to Unsa), Sayah Baaroun, has spoken of a “quick announcement (that) we are not interested” .”On each race you win 50, 60, 90 cents. But, Uber guzzles” by increasing its commission, he denounced.
For Jean-Claude Resnier, president of the association of VTC in France, “it’s humbug“. “as long As they will not have higher pricing than the taxi, that they will not decline their margin so as to be able to do the work of the partners or employees properly and within the law, by paying their charges, VAT and taxes on the French territory, I will be against“, he started.
The announcement of Uber comes at a time when a mobilization of drivers unhappy is scheduled for December 15 in front of the paris headquarters of the company.
The Law Grandguillaume, adopted in first reading by the Senate on 3 November, will be heard again on 19 December to the national Assembly and in January the Senate for a final vote.

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