After its unanimous adoption at the Assembly and the Senate last spring, the law “Territories zero long-term jobless person”, action : ten territories of experimentation have been designated at the end of November and are ready to start the device, has declared Monday, December 5, the experimentation funds loaded to initiate the project. Lhe first hires are expected in early next year.
It is a victory for those who carry this idea over twenty years, Patrick Valentine, of the association ” ATD-Quart Monde. the “The assumption was that the long-term unemployed are able to work, he explains, and that there is more work to do than there are long-term unemployed.”
At the time, Patrick Valentine had even provided a solution to the crucial question of the remuneration of those unemployed : “We had said that it would be sufficient to collect all of the revenue would be more useful, since they will benefit more, to give to the company. This is enough to provide balance.” The project was so freaked out, in the absence of a legal framework. But now that the lock legislative jumped, the ten territories selected are able to create some 2 000 jobs in CDI, paid at least the smic, the national minimum wage growth.
Except that the operation is now done in reverse. It reverses the table, say the project managers. the “One part of the people and create activity”, explains Laure Descoubès, the future director of the company with goal of employment in Thiers, in the Puy-de-Dome. And, for example, the discussions with the forest industry : “a lot of work has been done about the valuation of timber, which stood on a place and which was not profitable for the operators. In outlet, we work with the chamber of agriculture to replace pads forest the straw is used as litter for cattle and for sheep.”
But Laure Descoubès does not stop there. the “It was the idea of creating a garage social, an open place and the standards that people can come use,” she says. This will avoid that they do so at the bottom of home, because it is aimed at people with low resources who would never go in a garage because it’s too expensive.”
The only pitfall to avoid is to take the work of somebody : “It is a vigilance that must be absolute”, warns Isabelle Loss, elected in Jouques in Bouches-du-Rhone, to which it is necessary to ensure “that it does not prick the work of a self-employed entrepreneur or a structure.”
There is a local committee in all the territories, whose mission is to ensure that it effectively creates jobs and activities. It must be very, very careful !
so far, the list of professions seem to have no end. You just have to have enough imagination, summarizes the project leader, Patrick Valentine : “It really is the air gap compared to the market, pure and simple. It is the intermediary. And besides, some people may have a vocation to leave the company with goal of employment and to fend for itself.” The experiment, which starts in the next few days, shall last for five years, before thinking of a possible extension to other regions.
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