French prime minister François Fillon, candidate of the right for the presidential election, on Thursday announced its willingness to resume privatization to finance new infrastructure, during a displacement of the “campaign for France” in his fief sarthois.
Mr Fillon has wanted to “close as soon as possible the parenthesis of the last three days where (it is) that remained locked in the microcosm”, in going to Chantenay-Villedieu, in Sarthe, where he obtained “a score almost worthy of Cuba”, by his own admission, more than 87% to the primary that made him Sunday, the candidate of the right for the presidential election.
the party The Republicans reorganized, with relatives, placed in strategic positions, Mr. Fillon can “to come back on the territory”.
he had planned to rest at the end of the week and then consultations next week to form his campaign team, the new champion of the right that it now intends to “go each day, each week, to meet the French in a rural area, in the suburbs, in businesses, in hospitals, everywhere where it is going to explain, go out and convince and to hear our fellow citizens.”
Mr Fillon pointed out to him-even the symbolic nature of this visit in a village with 874 inhabitants, where he “began his campaign of 1981 for the legislation” that has allowed him to be anchored politically in the Sarthe –although it is from 2012 member of parliament of Paris.
Chantenay-Villedieu is “a symbol of a rural France that suffers in silence and that needs to be supported, helped, released” facing “charges, constraints, controls, constraints, standards”, according to him.
While members of his party, such as the mayor of Tourcoing (North), Gérald Darmanin, have openly expressed concern about the capacity of the new champion of the right to capture the vote of the popular vote, to be tempted by the Front national, Mr Fillon said it was “very important” for him “to succeed in convincing the French that can be desperate, which may be tempted by this vote extremist, come vote for a candidate who makes no demagoguery, which is exactly the opposite of the populist”.
- “not Everything is pink” -
Portrayed by his opponents of the left or of the extreme right as the spiritual son of the former “iron Lady” british Margaret Thatcher, he has touted his “campaign of France”.
Before the elect according to which “everything is not rosy’ locally in particular, due to declines in allocations to the local government, Mr. Fillon has called for the State to “resume” its investments in new transportation infrastructures (canals, railway lines) or the very high-speed “on any parcel of national territory”, the key according to him the economic development of the rural world.
“The country is terribly in debt, he will have to deal with the rising interest rates in the coming months or the coming years. How to invest when you have no money ? I want to resume the privatisation, that the State kind of business in the commercial sector where it is not absolutely necessary”, proposed by Mr. Fillon.
Asked to clarify the privatisation to which he had referred, Mr Fillon said “pose a principle (…): the State may have a vocation to come in a timely manner in a business like we did when I was Prime minister in the Yards of the Atlantic. But it is not intended to remain indefinitely in these companies”.
The French State is now the capital of 81 companies, through the Agency of the interests of the State (EPA). The value of its investments accounted for at the end of April, nearly 90 billion euros.
Among the businesses located within its boundaries are several heavy-weights, such as SNCF, Orange or Areva. The amount of its participations, however, are very variable: the State owns 32.8% of capital Engie (ex-GDF-Suez), 19.7% of Renault, but 85.3% of the capital of EDF.
In 2015, the State has hit 3.9 billion euros of dividends of the companies in which he is a shareholder.
01/12/2016 16:43:36 – Chantenay-Villedieu (France) (AFP) – © 2016 AFP

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