VIDEO – The secretary of State in charge of Transport has condemned the violence that took place in the margins of the protests. The drivers in anger, have called to continue the actions undertaken since Thursday to denounce what they see as a “modern-day slavery”.
drivers of VTC has put in place Saturday after-noon a dam filter which they have raised to around 20 hours near the Orly airport, and have announced their willingness to extend their blockages Sunday in the vicinity of the two airports of paris. A rally must take place Sunday morning near the airport Roissy-Charles de Gaulle airport, said a source at the airport. The protesters are planning to then travel in the morning in a procession at the porte Maillot. Another gathering will be organized in parallel to Orly, according to this source.
on Saturday, several tens of VTC were parked on two of the three lanes a few hundred metres from the access to the terminals South and West of the airport of Orly. To 20 hours, the drivers were leaving little by little the places. They were about 300 at the height of the event, said a source at the airport. According to this source, some drivers have announced their willingness to return to the porte Maillot, from where a procession had left earlier in the day.
” Cost, insurance, qualification: the differences between taxis and VTC
Orly, several VTC driven by drivers non-strikers have been referred to by throwing eggs or flour. Protesters, put together, have also ripped off the windshield wipers and kicked your feet in the door of another vehicle. These incidents have not been endorsed by all the protesters, some calling on their colleagues in the quiet while dozens of travellers faufilaient between the cars to win to walk the terminals. “It is there to block the colleagues (who are working, editor’s note), they are traitors,” said one striker while another explained to be “here to defend the profession, everyone needs to be supportive”.
Considering that the us platform Uber is “making fun” of them and was trying to “save time”, representatives of Unsa-VTC and Capa-VTC have called the drivers and strikers new “blockages” in this day of departure on vacation. They intend to protest against the tariff policy of the reservation platforms, including Uber, which they considered adverse to the drivers.
In the night from Friday to Saturday, a number of incidents involving drivers striking workers led to the detention of six people in Paris. The minister of Transport Alain Vidalies on Saturday called the representatives of the drivers of VTC to put an end to their movement, condemning the violence that took place in the margins of the protest. “What we ask for, and the State agrees, it is a date, and a formal appointment with Uber under the tutelage of the State,”said Sayah Baaroun, spokesman for the Unsa-VTC. Alain Vidalies had planned to receive the officer of Uber “early this week”.

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