Monday, December 12, 2016

Discrimination in hiring : a study severe for large French companies – The World

“testing” conducted with forty companies revealed a rate of positive responses 36 % for the sounding name of the maghrebian against 47 % for the other.

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An agency Pôle emploi, September 10, 2012 at Pontault-Combault.

To find a job, it is better to have a name sounding French. It is in any case that reveals a survey commissioned by the ministry of labour and carried out jointly by the direction of the animation of research, studies and statistics (Dares) and the association ISM Corum, specialised in the prevention of discrimination.

Conducted from April to July 2016, this large-scale campaign of ” testing “, that is to say, of tests by sending nominations fictitious, revealed that a name-sounding north african could prove to be a serious constraint to hiring : thus, according to the study, the overall rate of positive responses received by an application “maghreb” is 36 % against 47 % for applications that are ” hexagonal “. Eleven points difference.

” inequality of treatment according to the supposed origin of the candidate is as a trend since it is found for men as for women and in access to positions of employees as of managers “, writes the ministry of labour said in a statement.

” 147 pairs of applications different “

If these discriminatory hiring practices are known and denounced by the associations and observers, it is never easy to characterize, and still less to account for them. Hence the interest, according to the ministry of labour, of such a campaign.

to achieve this result, the Dares and ISM Corum have sent 3 000 nominations to forty companies employing more than 1 000 employees each. the ” This is not all the companies of the CAC 40. They were chosen in function of the number of job offers they published because it was necessary to send several to get a meaningful result, “, ” says one to the ministry of labour.

each of them, and at different times, two CVS were sent to a few hours difference to not arouse suspicion. Almost identical (degree of experience, qualifications, places of residence socially neutral), these two applications differ only by the name of the person who appeared in it.

To avoid bias, profiles, female, male, officers, or employee, with or without experience have been created. Thus, explains the Dares, ” 147 pairs of applications different “ have been sent to the businesses tested.

” nonsense economics “

And the results are edifying. Because if the chances of getting a reply are, on average, 11 points lower than for a candidate whose name has a ring to it maghrebi, they are even lower when we focus on the twelve businesses, the less virtuous : in these companies the rate of positive response received by the candidates, “maghreb” was 15 to 35 points less than their counterparts holders of a name considered to be good French.

” hiring discrimination are prohibited by law. They constitute a moral failing, unacceptable, and absurd economic. They challenge the promises of republican equality to which the French society has more need than ever. Has the respect of our fellow citizens who were the primary victims, we find ourselves in the obligation to act and succeed “, has reacted Myriam El Khomri, minister of labour and social dialogue.

to Act, but how ? The ministry refuses for the moment to denounce in public companies the less virtuous. Criminal prosecutions are, in turn, unimaginable. The reason : the campaign of “testing” is based entirely on fake profiles, and thus there was no real harm to anyone. the ” You are talking about the risk of discrimination, explains on rue de Grenelle, and not of discrimination. So we can’t sue them. “


In this context, the ministry has chosen the path of conciliation. the ” All the companies tested have been received. The good students as well as the poor, justifie-t-on to the ministry of labour, the last one expects a clear plan of action to address their failures. “

This program must be submitted by January to the ministry of labour. Its results will then be considered by a jury to be constituted for the occasion. Offenders or those whose results are not up to the height may be at risk, this time, to be denounced and exposed on the public place by the ministry of labour. Consolation for the people of foreign origin who would have wished to, without success, to work there.


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