The drivers of VTC, who intend to “keep the pressure” on Uber after their protest movement from the end of December, will gather Tuesday morning in front of the paris headquarters of the u.s. platform, but without blocking traffic, a-t-on learned from several sources.”We will be in front of the headquarters” in the Nineteenth arrondissement of Paris, to “disturb Uber” and bring it to “close its premises even as the company is planning a recruitment day for drivers VTC Tuesday, explained to the AFP Sayah Baaroun (Unsa VTC).This action, which could also relate to the local Uber in Aubervilliers (Seine-Saint-Denis), aims to “show that we do not loose anything, as the pressure falls,” said his side Jean-Luc Albert, president of the association Active-VTC.The organizations of drivers (Unsa, Capa-VTC, Active-VTC) has held since December 15, blockages and demonstrations in the paris region, including airports, had announced on December 23, a “truce of the confectioners” at Christmas.The protesters accuse Uber, a leader in the market of cars of transport with driver (VTC), to impose conditions of work “unworthy” with a minimum price of the race down to six euros. They are also calling for a right of scrutiny on the practices deemed “abusive” disconnection which may deprive them of access to the platform, often as the result of negative comments from a client.A mediator was appointed by the government to carry out a negotiation by 31 January on the pricing, expenses, social protection and the conditions of disconnection of the platforms.The protesters accuse Uber, a leader in the market of cars of transport with driver (VTC), to impose conditions of work “ unworthy” with a minimum price of the race down to six euros. They are also calling for a right of scrutiny on the practices deemed “abusive” disconnection which may deprive them of access to the platform, often as the result of negative comments from a client.A mediator was appointed by the government to carry out a negotiation by 31 January on the pricing, expenses, social protection and the conditions of disconnection of the platforms.The protesters accuse Uber, a leader in the market of cars of transport with driver (VTC), to impose conditions of work “unworthy” with a minimum price of the race down to six euros. They are also calling for a right of scrutiny on the practices deemed “abusive” disconnection which may deprive them of access to the platform, often as the result of negative comments from a client.A mediator was appointed by the government to carry out a negotiation by 31 January on the pricing, expenses, social protection and the conditions of disconnection of the platforms.The protesters accuse Uber, a leader in the market of cars of transport with driver (VTC), to impose conditions of work “unworthy” with a minimum price of the race down to six euros. They are also calling for a right of scrutiny on the practices deemed “abusive” disconnection which may deprive them of access to the platform, often as the result of negative comments from a client.A mediator was appointed by the government to carry out a negotiation by 31 January on the pricing, expenses, social protection and the conditions of disconnection of the platforms.The lack of advanced, the organizations drivers are threatening a day of strong mobilisation on the 16th of January.
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