After the CFTC and the CFE-CGC, CFDT has agreed to sign the new version of the agreement.
The French democratic Confederation of labour (CFDT), the Fnac has agreed to sign the new draft agreement on the Sunday work and in the evening, we learn Wednesday, 25 January, paving the way for its implementation. The union states having made its decision after the consultation of its sections, including ” a very large majority voted in favour of the signature “. It points to the ” improvements in terms of job creation, representing 80 jobs in CDI “ that will allow for the agreement.
The Confédération française des travailleurs chrétiens (CFTC) and the Confédération française de l’encadrement-Confédération générale des cadres (CFE-CGC) had already announced that they would be signatories to the agreement, which was blocked six months ago by the general Confederation of labour (CGT), Solidarity, unit, democracy (in the SOUTH) and Force ouvrière (FO), then in the majority. The three unions that are signatories now represent 51,61 %.
financial Counterparties
After the reversal of the power relationship within the sign, the
Read also : Resumption of negotiations at the Fnac on the Sunday work
But for SOUTH-Fnac, which like the CGT has not given its approval, the increased hiring rate ” made no sense “, to the extent that, over the past year, ” average “, the numbers are ” always on a reduction of the order of 5 % “.
Regarding the counterparties, as in the previous text, for the shops that are open regularly on Sundays, 12 Sundays, ” the most loaded of the year “, according to the CFTC, will be paid triple and 40 Sundays paid double, without compensatory rest.

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