last year, the number of unemployed dropped by 107.400 people (-3,0%) in metropolitan france, according to figures from the ministry of Labour. The indicator had declined on a calendar year since the financial crisis.
“This trend is clearly in favour of“, welcomed Myriam El Khomri in a press release, the minister of Labour in welcoming the improvement that comes “after eight consecutive years of increase“.
2016 will thus have been the year of “inversion of the unemployment curve“, but the results came in “later than I had planned“, conceded François Hollande during his New Year’s greetings, a month after leaving to stand for a second mandate. Originally announced for 2013, the so-called “reverse” will be finally materialized three years later.
Despite the recent improvement, unemployment remains a black point in the quinquennium : it remains massive, with 3.47 million people without activity (category A) in metropolis and 3.73 million in the whole of France, and Pôle emploi has seen an influx 550.300 additional unemployed persons in metropolitan france since may 2012.
“unemployment remains high, and it is my struggle,” said Ms. El Khomri on Tuesday during a move a company in the Val-de-Marne, where it was greeted by a score of activists CGT protesting against the law Work.
Although positive, the year 2016 is somewhat tarnished by the increase recorded in December, following three consecutive months of decline. Last month, unemployment has increased 0.8% (+26.100) in france and 0.7% (+25.900) including overseas.
“We are still in a recovery period, with new hires, who are overwhelmingly in CDD. This yo-yo effect is not yet finished“, says one to the ministry of Labour.
- Restructuring and relocation –
The monthly increase applies to both the “under 25” (+0.7%) in the “50 years of age or older” (+1,2%). But the situation of young people remains very well oriented in 2016 (-8,8%), while that of senior citizens continues to deteriorate (+2.2 per cent). The situation of the latter is deteriorating, however, clearly less than in previous years. Between 2008 and 2015, the number of older
The poor figures for December are to be qualified by a decrease in the use of precarious contracts. The number of students enrolled in classes B and C, who carry on an activity but continue to look for work, decreased by 1.3%, to settle at $ 2.0 million metropolis.
therefore, the number of job seekers registered to Pole employment, small business included, has stabilized in December, to 5.48 million in metropolitan france and 5.78 million in the whole of France. The indicator is also stable throughout the year 2016.
Another encouraging sign: the long-term unemployment declined 0.4% in December and 2.4% over the year. At the end of 2016, 2,41 million job seekers were registered with Pôle emploi for more than a year.
The decline in unemployment observed in 2016 is the result of a recovery in private-sector employment. The merchant sector has created, net, 178.700 positions on a year, while the hires flirted the end of 2016, with their record high in 2011. And according to the Insee, employment and unemployment are expected to remain favourable in the first half of 2017.
The job market is still far from healing, at the moment announced a new restructuring plan of the group Vivarte, with between 700 and 800 job cuts, just at the Halle aux shoes, and a relocation in Poland factory Whirlpool Amiens.
The fall seems, moreover, to have been amplified by the effects of the plan from 500,000 to further education and training for job seekers, launched in early 2016 by the government and extended until mid-2017.
incoming in-training, the job seekers are no longer considered to be unemployed and spend categories A, B and C to the category D, much less commented on it. The latter has seen an influx 67.400 additional persons (+24,6%) in 2016.

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