Saturday, February 6, 2016

RSA against Volunteering: ATD Quart Monde condemns “unacceptable proposal” – Le Parisien

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 for wrestling  Association against poverty, the measure taken by  the elected representatives of the Haut-Rhin is a  new
for the association of fight against poverty, the action taken by elected Haut-Rhin is a new “stigmatization of beneficiaries.” LP / Olivier Boitet

in addition to raising questions from a legal point of view, it angered the association ATD Fourth World, who calls it “unacceptable and unrealistic proposal”.

“How can one imagine reversing the sense of solidarity?” asks in a statement the association specialized in the fight against poverty, noting that the RSA is the expression of the “nation of solidarity (…) to those who are experiencing great precariousness. ” ATD Fourth World a new point “stigma of recipients” for which it is already difficult to “shelter and food decently with 500 euros a month.”

“What people want is to work,” says the association, originally experimentation “zero unemployment territories” for people unemployed for over a year. Now, Haut-Rhin the executive proposes “an activity that will not be paid and prevents meanwhile people looking for work,” she wrote. Call for volunteers for “30 hours per month is unrealistic logistically for organizations,” added ATD Fourth World. “Many people who volunteer at RSA act ATD Quart Monde or other associations, but it can not become a constraint.”

QUESTION OF THE DAY. Should condition the RSA volunteer hours?

Through their initiative, the elected representatives of the Upper Rhine have already revived a controversy arose a few years ago. In 2011, Laurent Wauquiez, Minister of European Affairs UMP, had launched an offensive against “the excesses of the assistantship” offering including asking five weekly hours of social service for RSA recipients. This proposal had caused heavy fire from critics on the left and divided his own camp.

VIDEO. When Wauquiez wanted to impose counterparties RSA (May 2011)



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RSA against volunteering: ATD Quart world condemns “unacceptable proposal”

Condition the payment of RSA to seven hours of volunteering per week: the measure was approved Friday by the county council of Haut-Rhin, in right-wing majority. In addition to raising questions from a legal point of view …

2016-02-06 8:00:00 p.m.

economic News, Economy, Industry, 2016, rSA, against, volunteering, atd fourth world, denouncing


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