Monday, February 22, 2016

Nuclear Tests in Polynesia: Holland “recognizes the environmental and health impact” – Le Parisien

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Philippe Martinat, special envoy to Papeete (French Polynesia) | | Update:



 Papeete ( Polynesia)  on Monday 22 February. Relaxing time for François  Hollande visited a market. During a speech to  local officials, the president made a big step  forward on the issue of the consequences of  nuclear testing.
Papeete (French Polynesia) Monday, February 22. Moment of relaxation for Francois Hollande visited a market. in a speech to local officials, the president made a big step forward on the issue of the consequences of nuclear testing .
AFP / Gregory Boissy

Hollande knew waited for his return to Papeete on Monday. the case of compensation for victims of nuclear tests conducted for 30 years by France (1966-1996) was the major topic presidential visit to the local population is still suffering the consequences of radioactive fallout.

“We must purge this case, said Edward Fricht, President of French Polynesia. If one removes this matter, the rest will roll it alone, “he says. Main objective: loosen the shackles of Morin Act 2010 under which 1,000 applications for compensation cases filed, only 19 Successful.

Monday in Papeete, before the leaders gathered in the archipelagos of Polynesia presidency, Hollande has promised that “the processing of applications for compensation for victims of nuclear tests will be reviewed.” “I acknowledge, continued the President, that the nuclear tests conducted between 1966 and 1996 in French Polynesia had an environmental impact” and “health consequences”.

“We recorded 540 cases new cancers each year for 260,000 Polynesians says Bruno Barrillot, former delegate to the consequences of testing for the government of Polynesia, with very atypical pathologies “. Throughout his journey, François Hollande has been continually crossing activists dressed in red requesting repairs. rather young Polynesians whose association 193 – as the number of nuclear testing by France at Mururoa – made a dramatic breakthrough since its inception last year and a half.

Recognizing also “solemnly” the contribution of Polynesia to nuclear deterrence. “This contribution, one that you yourself made through nuclear testing, I want to solemnly recognize today, before you,” commented the head of state to applause. Holland also announced that the overall allocation of autonomy to compensate for the end of the tests will be stabilized at 90 million.

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Nuclear Tests in Polynesia: Holland “recognizes the environmental and health impact”

Hollande knew waited for his return to Papeete on Monday. The record of compensation for victims of nuclear tests conducted for 30 years by France (1966-1996) was the major topic of the presidential visit to …

2016-02-22 11:52:00 p.m.

Political News, Politics, Election, 2016, testing, nuclear, Polynesia, Holland, recognizes impact


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