Sunday, February 21, 2016

“This government is in agreement with what the Medef” – Le Figaro

To Caroline De Haas, feminist activist behind the petition against the Labour Act, the Government has definitely crossed the line with the project led by Myriam El Khomri.

LE FIGARO. – Why have you launched this petition

Caroline De Haas.-: I am a feminist activist and left a former student union UNEF that? has since created a company specializing in the welfare to work. When we discovered the details of the Labor Law, I began to closely study its content in the company of Sophie Binet, like myself old UNEF (and CGT confederal ruling today, ed) and several lawyers . The tweets that I had started to do, before the petition had already taken 200 or 300 times and the subject was in all discussions. There was a really crossing the line with the draft Myriam El Khomri what motivated our approach.

How do you explain such enthusiasm (over 150,000 Sunday signatures afternoon) in just two days, in the weekend more importantly, for your petition?

There are two explanations. First, it must be said, is the quality of the exchange platform, high performance, which involves a huge network and transfers it to numerous contacts a petition that starts with good results. And, obviously, there is the shocking content of the law that receives a portion of public opinion, with its central element: the reversal of the hierarchy of norms. Until then, legislation ensured a floor law could be improved by a sectoral agreement, then by a company agreement. Today, all that is upset! An enterprise agreement, where the employee does not always have a favorable balance of force will surpass a law, there is no guarantee for employees.

Rather curious from a socialist government, right? This surprises you?

There is no particular logic to search, this government is sincere in agreement with what the Medef. François Hollande really believes that by working more people and protecting the least, there will be more growth. And even if a quarter of workers report suffering at work.

You have initiated a real mobilization on the internet. What will you do now?

We’ll see how the government will react faced with this mobilization that is symbolically interesting, has already attracted more signatories than the 149,000 voters Manuel Valls for the Socialist primary in 2011. for now, facing the mobilization, the government has merely published in haste, a “True-False” they circulate in emergency.

On Tuesday evening, an inter-meeting, where the CFDT has responded to the invitation of the CGT, will meet to consider possible social mobilization. I wish the success of this petition can serve as an argument in favor of this mobilization. But this is of course not me make the decision. I only hope that the government will withdraw its draft, or copy and review its present legislation that will actually improve the fate of the employees.


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