Friday, February 26, 2016

The Agricultural Show opens its doors in a climate of crisis – Liberation

Depression, tension, depression, the Agricultural Show which opens Saturday in Paris in the presence of François Hollande, has not the heart to the party and the policies that will venture into the “largest farm France “are warned: it can heat the aisles

” from the moment when there is an income problem in farms, the party will not be complete “acknowledged Friday Jean-Luc Poulain. Chairman of the Exhibition. Despite “some gloom” announced he denies defection or canceled.

With the widespread collapse of agricultural prices hit especially farmers, more than 40,000 farms are of extreme emergency, according the Agriculture Minister Stephane Le Foll.

More than 60,000 (of 490,000) have called for help while a pig farmer in Brittany, loses up to 6,000 euros per week.

numbers François Hollande will inevitably lead when he will open the show at dawn Saturday on his return from South America

-. “the heart is not there” –

Stéphane Le Foll, shoved into his garden and 73% of French people consider that it has a negative balance, according to an OpinionWay survey for Le Figaro, and the prime minister Manuel Valls spared no effort in recent days to calm minds with the approach of this annual event, trade fair excellence of french terroirs and a model that questions its future.

Even Commissioner, the Irishman Phil Hogan, came Thursday to the rescue, provide French farmers in his determination to find solutions.

Nothing says that will be enough, but professionals do not intend to boycott this event so far, sometimes the only opportunity of the year to leave his farm several days and find colleagues.

“the farmers will be there and will come with their animals” also reassures Beulin Xavier, president of the FNSEA, the first agricultural union. “We are here to have a real discussion with the audience.”

“We go even if the heart is not there. This is often the only week of vacation farmers, but they are on edge, “says Florent Dornier, General Secretary of Young Farmers (JA). Without predict “excesses”, he acknowledges that “perhaps this is one of the most complicated rooms for 20 or 30 years.”

“Political, they will have to

be very careful to what they tell us. There is a risk of cold shower “he warns

In addition, the security situation and the state of emergency have reduced the festivities. Additionally reinforced checks at entrances, night and evening professionals on Thursday were canceled

-. Cul cows and small glass –

However, the approach of the election count-down of 2017 and for the primary right, more than ever the appointment of the Show will also be the policy – especially of the opposition – who are about to set foot in tight rows aisles among the nearly 700,000 visitors expected until March 6.

Between bulls competition and competition beasts, and will slip Prime Minister as of 7:00 am Monday, and in opposition Marine Le Pen (Tuesday), Nicolas Sarkozy and François Fillon (Wednesday), Alain Juppé . (Thursday) and Bruno Le Maire, former agriculture minister who planned a triple timed – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

in all, the FNSEA sent questionnaires to 13 points: on the report producers / distributors forces, social and environmental regulations, the installation of young, concreting of agricultural land, the presence of wolves or agricultural price volatility … “Those who have not responded will be better not stop by our booth “takes Xavier Beulin. “The cows ass, the little glass that goes well and the smile on photo … today it is on something else,” he warned bluntly.

He added that his union did not call to demonstrate during the show. “It does not mean there will not be some moves, including against the President of the FNSEA …,” he acknowledges. Dams and in protests linked together for over a month, the name of Xavier Beulin was repeatedly booed by a base exceeded.



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