PARIS (Reuters) – american justice has asked the FBI to investigate the purchase of the canadian mining company Uramin by Areva, an operation that had turned into a fiasco financial French specialist of nuclear, reports the Sunday Newspaper.
contacted by Reuters, a spokesman for Areva said the firm was not aware of any ongoing investigation in the United States. “Of course, if there were a procedure, we would stand ready to give all necessary information”, he added.
According to the Journal du dimanche, which does not cite its sources, the u.s. department of Justice issued at the end of last year, this folder is already at the heart of judicial proceedings in France.
The operation, which had cost 1.7 billion euros to Areva in 2007, could fall within the ambit of the u.s. law against international corruption, ” he wrote.
according to the JDD, the procedure has been initiated in the United States by a report written by an investigator independent French, Marc Eichinger, and delivered late last year to the american authorities.
Marc Eichinger had written in 2010, a first document in which he referred to a possible scam, which could have been facilitated by the complicity within the group of nuclear energy.
In France, the record is the subject of two investigations, one focusing on the financial value of Uramin, the other on a possible insider-trading, open following a reporting of the Court of accounts, in 2014.
In the first part of the case, the former chair of the executive board of Areva, Anne Lauvergeon, was indicted in may 2016, for submission and publication of accounts inaccurate and spreading false information.
The judges allege that he presented accounts to be inaccurate to hide the impairment of assets related to the acquisition of mines, located principally in Namibia, central African republic and South Africa, which are proven to be uneconomic or even inoperable.
(Simon Carraud, edited by Véronique Tison)
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