once more, the youngest and the most socially sensitive (low level of education and income) are the most affected, the study notes. Respectively 43 % and 46% of 18-24 year olds say they have decided to interview and have refused work or training, lack of ability to get there. In the same way, 51 % and 54 % of people living in a household with less than 1,000 euros a month, are already found in this situation.
Not perfect equality rather than on the geographical plane. as Well, in the area of Grand-Is, which are part of the Hauts-de-France, they are a little more numerous – 22 % – have already had to forgo an interview for reasons of mobility, of which 12% several times (against 19 % and 7 % at national level). Similarly, they are 25 % to have waived any employment for this reason.
In addition, it is in the paris region that the problem is most urgent : 33% of the people have already been refused a job because of lack of transport. It is in the Île-de-France also that we report the most difficulties in the daily commute (67 % against 43 % at national level). The figures probably related to the use of public transport. 74 % of the users of the TER, 66 % of those in the metro/RER and 57% of those of the bus say they have.
conversely, holders of B permits are less affected by the problems of access to employment : 17 % of them have already given up a job interview for this reason (compared to 37% of non-holders of the licence (B), and 21 % have already given up work or training (compared with 44 % of non-holders of B permits). As if, at the time of sustainable development, the car was a permit for the job.
devices exist in the Hauts-de-France
the regional Aid
Since march 1, 2016, the employees of the region who travel to work by car lack of public transport may seek assistance of the regional council of€ 20 per month. It is necessary to perceive a net salary less than or equal to twice the SMIC, and have a journey of at least 60 km round-trip.
moreover, The Region had decided to put at the disposal of job seekers who found a job thanks to Proch’Employment, a fleet of 40 cars. It is possible to borrow a car during the trial period, for € 2 per day.
micro credits
The ADIE (Association for the Right to Economic Initiative), present in the region, proposes that the people do not have access to bank credit micro-credit for the financing of vehicles and/or driving license and the amount can go up to €5,000.
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