MEDIA Two years after the terrorist attack, which has cast a shadow on the writing and moved the whole world, the satirical weekly is still a journal to share…
This Thursday, sober tributes have been rendered to the victims of the attacks of January 2015, which had left 17 people dead, including twelve during the attack on Charlie Hebdo. While the satirical weekly has just published a special edition of two days of the commemorative date of the tragedy – on Saturday, it will be two years since the attack occurred – it is a key moment in its existence. Whether on the economic or on its editorial line.
stable sales and the desire to be somewhere else. ” 2015 was the year of survival, 2016 the stabilisation, ” says Riss, the editor in chief of Charlie Hebdo. After the attacks, 260.000 subscriptions, had been subscribed, under the blow of the emotion, but the majority of them have not been renewed. However, since the terrorist attack, each number is the average length of time in 50.000 copies in kiosks and more than 50,000 by subscription, compared to the 30,000 previously, ahead of his direction.
in addition, the weekly has a war chest of ten million euros. Manna used to launch projects, including the translation of articles in English on its website and the launch of a German edition. The first issue of the grind teutonne was published on the 1st of December. “It was found that there was a real curiosity in Germany for Charlie Hebdo, explained Riss at the time. Conversely, it has rarely been solicited by Great Britain, Spain or Portugal ” for exhibitions or conferences. For the time being, if you have no goal in terms of sales has not been set twelve people are working on this edition of beyond the Rhine.
the challenge of freedom of expression. The attack jihadist in Charlie Hebdo had raised a wave of considerable emotion and built the weekly into a symbol of freedom of expression. But two years later, his causticity does not cease to be questioned. The journal is regularly as well the target of sharp criticism, lawsuits and death threats. For example, the mayor of Lover, in Italy, has filed a complaint against the satirical newspaper for “insulting public” and “defamation” for cartoons about the deadly earthquake that occurred in August. “Curiously enough, one has the impression that people have become more intolerant with Charlie, “says Riss while he believed that” by 2017 it may be that [the newspaper] to be more offensive “.
In its latest issue published Wednesday, appears in A drawing of a man looking into the barrel of a gun held by an islamist under the title ” 2017, finally the end of the tunnel “. In the inside pages, the editorial takes it to the intellectuals who criticize his stance on terrorism and islam. “Laughter makes you afraid, because it frees the mind as no other artillery human “, writes the journalist Fabrice Nicolino, in an article entitled : “The left is always lying in front of the bullies “. “The problem is all of the muslim believers who believe that, despite everything, it is not necessary to laugh at religion. These people, in fact, even if they are not terrorists, think like them, ” said Riss, in a drawing of Coco.
An editorial in the new face. Cabu, Charb, Honoré, Tignous, Wolinski, psychiatrist Elsa Cayat, the economist Bernard Maris, proofreader Mustapha Ourrad…, January 7, 2015, the editors of Charlie Hebdo was losing some of its most revered figures. Since then, several members of the team are gone, on the grounds of personal reasons or disagreements with the editorial line. Among them, the cartoonist Luz, the emergency physician Patrick Pelloux, or the journalist Zineb El Rhazoui. “I have doubts on the faculty of Charlie Hebdo to continue to carry the torch of irreverence, and of the absolute freedom,” said the latter, in favour of a new status for the weekly, which is owned by Riss and its financial director, Eric Portheault. Others are, conversely, become pillars of the duck satirical, as the designers June, Felix and Foolz.
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