Thursday, February 4, 2016

Why VTC are divided – Le Figaro

THE SCAN ECO – They are presented under the same symbol “VTC” and yet they are the “war”, are not invited to the same meeting with the mediator and do not manifest the same time. Who are they ? Why the divide? Explanations.

You thought the taxi anger boiled down to a conflict with the VTC? You were not entirely wrong but the situation is more complicated than that. Because you may not be aware is that even within the VTC, the divergent situations. An example? Yesterday, Thursday, the mediator, Laurent Grandguillaume, scheduled two meetings with representatives of VTC: one with organizations and other associations with VTC and the other digital platforms. Why these two separate meetings? “The platforms are not carriers, argues Paul Risbourg General Secretary Csnert first employers federation VTC companies. They do a different job from ours. Now, you can not delete because their volume of business. ” Evidence that these two players are not on the same wavelength, platforms participated Wednesday in a demonstration but not representatives drivers …

• Drivers VTC

Established in 2009, this profession was more known as the “passenger cars with driver” and depended on the Ministry of Tourism. In 2014, it was renamed “drivers of transport vehicles”, with the minister, one of Transport. A VTC chauffeur two possible ways: either he founded his own company (operator), or he works freelance. Today, there are 15,000 VTC drivers in France, 10,000 in Ile-de-France. “90% are independent,” said Paul Risbourg. Financial difficulties, independent demand wage increases. Several applications have indeed lowered their rates, without changing their commission, which reduced all their income. That is why they require a minimum fee of 1.5 euros per kilometer, with a minimum stroke of 15 euros.

“Today, there are 15,000 drivers VTC in France, 10,000 in Ile-de-France. 90% are independent “

And for greater voice, CTI drivers were created, three months ago, their own union, the first in this case. His name Unsa SCP VTC, it forms with the employers’ federation (Csnert), an inter. Both organizations denounce the downward pressure on prices imposed by shopping platforms VTC. These start-ups are responsible, according to the union, the impoverishment of the profession. “It is clear that the company Uber is to destroy the taxi market by relying on legislation that is unclear and using people (drivers VTC) in need, even encourage them to be on the edge of legality, “protested Baaroun Sayah, Secretary General of Unsa SCP VTC.

• VTC Platforms

Uber, Chauffeur -Private or Snapcar are the best known. These startups are accused by strongly lowering their prices have weakened financially taxi drivers both in turnover as the price of their license. “The average turnover of the VTC is 30 million – and we lose money – when the taxi reached 3.6 billion euros,” replied Yann Hascoët, president and founder of Driver -Private.


Taxis as VTC accuse them of “unfair competition” and accused them of encouraging drivers to get in VTC autoentrepreneur for failing to them hire. In the wake of Uber, and sometimes before him, corporate VTC abound as LECAB, Private driver, Marcel, etc., as well as the type of deals carpooling as BlaBlaCar over long distances or Heetch and Mapool (motorcycles).


This is the “newcomer” in the conflict. In that we had not heard too much about before. The VTC, such as taxis, moreover, have the opportunity to take a VTC or LOTI license. Created five years ago, this status is attracting more and more drivers. Indeed, drivers “LOTI” after a shorter training (3 weeks against 250 hours for the VTC and since Wednesday examined as MCQ) and certainly less expensive than the VTC (1500 euros against 2000 euros). An important asset especially for platforms in search of independent drivers. “The platforms divert the rule because the status Loti is designed for drivers who want to start their business and not become independent,” said Paul Risbourg.

“The platforms divert the rule because the status Loti is designed for drivers who want to start their business and not become independent”

Another rule: “Loti” are supposed to carry at least two people (against only one for VTC). Problem: some drivers divert the rule and not take a single client. “The name of the game is to have customers,” Paul Risbourg slides. 10% to 40% of drivers reputable companies working with VTC actually exert as Loti. Hitherto rather discreet, this activity would represent 70% of their turnover, as the Vice President of the AMT association. Consequence: the government demanded that the platforms to send by February 28 their list of operators to ensure that there is no misuse of the law. Very supported by platforms such qu’Uber or Snapcar, they would be about 10,000 in France. So many jobs destroyed if LOTI drivers may no longer have access to platforms, denounce them.


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