Saturday, February 6, 2016

To touch the RSA in the Haut-Rhin will require volunteer hours – South West

L e County Council of the Upper Rhine decided on Friday to may make payment of RSA seven volunteer hours per week , an initiative presented as a first in France.

the RSA beneficiaries “must present every three months a certificate proving that they have done well these hours, otherwise we will suspend the payment of their allowances,” said Eric Straumann , MP and chairman of the department LR.

“This is, especially not to stigmatize recipients. We hope instead set foot in the stirrup to people, so they resocialise and out of isolation “, he said.

the association ATD Quart Monde (Agir all for dignity) amounted Saturday against the measure, calling it “inhuman and unrealistic proposal.”

“A stigma of recipients”

“How can one imagine reversing the sense of solidarity?” Asks in a statement the association specializing in the fight against poverty, noting that the RSA is the expression of the “solidarity of the nation (…) to those who are experiencing great precariousness”.

ATD Fourth World a new point ” stigmatization of beneficiaries “for which it is difficult to” shelter and food decently with 500 euros a month. “

” what people want is work “ says the association, originally experimentation “zero unemployment territories” for the unemployed for over a year.

Now, Haut-Rhin the executive proposes “a activity that will not be paid and prevents meanwhile people looking for work “, she wrote.

Make use volunteers for “28 hours per month is unrealistic logistically for organizations,” adds ATD Fourth World.

Volunteer against RSA: you find it
Volunteer against RSA: you find it

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