Saturday, February 6, 2016

Supporters of the airport of Notre-Dame-des-Landes deem unnecessary new expertise – The World

In a show of support to opponents of the  airport of Notre-Dame-des-Landes on January 13. /  AFP / JEAN-SEBASTIEN EVRARD

” Diversion “, “waste of time” , “unnecessary” .. proponents of the future airport Notre-Dame-des-Landes (Loire-Atlantique) did not took off after the announcement by the Minister for ecology launched a new mission studies on this high-risk case for the government. Monday 1 st February Ségolène Royal said in the National Assembly, asking his general inspection, “in agreement with the Prime Minister to ensure that everything is overhauled “

Read also:. Dissonance government on Notre-Dame-des-Landes

” This is an unnecessary measure, we have already gone down the end, everything has been done, “ estimated Bruno Retailleau, President (the Republicans) in the region Pays de la Loire. ” The discord that in government. Mr Macron [Economy Minister] came here we announce the beginning of work for October 2016, the Prime Minister said the same thing, as Le Foll [Minister agriculture] and Ms Royal said there will be no evacuation of the ZAD, it takes all again? “ also protests Alain Mustière, president of the Association for The West Wing.

In this fervent defender of the new airport at Notre-Dame-des-Landes, the Minister of ecology had announced this new expert mission to “restore social peace” . Jean-Marc Ayrault, then prime minister, had already established a commission of dialogue and commissioned experts, following the violent events that had punctuated the grove north of Nantes, in the winter of 2012. “” Many missions and appraisals were carried out: the findings were they wrong? An additional review of state services is not necessary, unless you want to waste time. It’s not healthy “ says Alain Mustière.

Conclusions late March

The mission entrusted to the inspectors general of the Ministry should make its findings in late March, just when evictions historical opponents, including four farming families, become possible. The high court of Nantes validated the eviction filings Airport Grand West-Vinci, the manager of the future airport, leaving up to the end of March to the opponents to leave their home.

See also: “historical” of Notre-Dame-des-Landes “beggar policies call us”

in its mission statement, Ségolène Royal asked the inspectors to do review the alternatives. “Behind this demand, the idea is that maybe we could do otherwise, he must look at what has been done, review additional studies” , says one to the Ministry of ecology. The airport development platform Nantes is not questioned, but the evolution of technologies, such as digital management of passenger flows decreasing, would review the different scenarios.

“Those who say that there is no problem to enlarge Nantes Atlantique airport just want to plant the idea of ​​a future airport, says Bruno Retailleau. There is a Natura 2000 area close invaluable. “ The regional president also says he spoke at length with Ségolène Royal. “We explained, he says, and the Minister told me recognize the legitimacy of the airport of Notre-Dame-des-Landes. “

Who to believe? The Minister ensures seek alternatives or those who claim that the project is not jeopardized. It does not matter to the inspectors to question the increase in traffic and economic development, or even to reconsider the qualities of the site of Notre-Dame-des-Landes. “The need to move the existing airport is reasonable: it is dangerous because it forces to fly Nantes and development of the city is handicapped by the presence of the airport” says Ghislain Marcily, hydrologist, a member of the Academy of sciences who led the work of the committee of scientific experts, in 2013.

ON ZAD NOTRE DAME DES LANDES, THE LIMINBOUT  Place said, Wednesday, January 27, 2016.Sixty  tractors came surrounded the farm and Sylvie  Marcel Thébault involved in the deportation of 25  January, 2016.At a press conference, farmers came  to support expropriated remind of their  determination and wish to show by this action  responsiveness.

complex compensation methods

on the need for new studies, the scientist has reservations. ” We called for made new inventories of fauna and flora, I guess it was done, and further studies on the quality of water, says Ghislain Marcily. wetland compensation methods were they, too complex. the idea that we can compensate on the same plot several services provided by wetlands are not held. “ for the hydrologist, ” we have to find a lot of land to restore wetlands and it takes a lot of time “.

opponents of the project have them appraised the modernization of the existing airport. Their lawyer, Thomas Dubreuil, forwarded to the Ministry records including presenting the work of the citizen workshop. Since December 2014, bringing together technicians, engineers, drivers, economists … or simple citizens, this workshop has made numerous records on costs, on the declaration of public utility, the noise exposure, etc.

Read also: “Funny war” Notre-Dame-des-Landes

Monday, February 8, the Collective elected doubting the relevance of the airport project (CEDPA) will present new studies. “We never got the quantitative tables despite requests from the Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Transport, the prefecture denounces Françoise Verchère CEDPA. But we can establish that journey time savings , which is used to justify the transfer project, is completely wrong. “

Petition for the evacuation of the ZAD

The new mission of the department she will put flat file? Opponents want to believe it. But the two camps, pro and anti, do not imagine that the conclusions can be unfavorable. “The project of Notre-Dame-des-Landes was subjected to multiple studies, all positive, I do not see how it could be otherwise today” , trusts Alain Mustière.

Meanwhile, Dominique Fresneau, one of the spokesman of the opposition, did not see “how the mission could give reason for the airport project, but to support a real estate project that destroys 2000 ha of agricultural land. ” “Given our knowledge of the file, if the mission is honest, and I do not doubt that it is, it will give us reason” , he said.

Meanwhile, the region Pays de la Loire has launched a regional petition for the evacuation of the ZAD. Saturday afternoon, the region’s website recorded 10 017 signatures. The text proposes to sign the petition, “that one is partisan or opponents of the airport project” . The evacuation should not intervene before the end of March or even later, that fear Bruno Retailleau and pro airport. “We can not decouple the start of construction and the evacuation of the ZAD , says the president of the region. If nothing is done now, we will remain blocked. And I do not believe in the government’s word when he says he will in the fall, a few months before the presidential election. “


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