Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The lack of transportation hinders access to employment – Boursorama

The difficulties of access to mobility are perceived as a brake on employment by 86% of the French (photo illustration). ( AFP / JACQUES DEMARTHON )

The difficulties of access to mobility are perceived as a brake on employment by 86% of the French (photo illustration). ( AFP / JACQUES DEMARTHON )

The holders of B permits are less affected (17% of them have given up) than non-owners (37%). Almost one French person in five (19%) also said to have already decided to go to a job interview or “in a support structure to the job search” (type Pôle emploi) for lack of means to move around, precise this survey Elabe made for the Laboratory of mobility inclusive and the association Wimoov. The difficulties of access to mobility – that is to say, the fact of being able to move in daily life – are seen as a brake on employment by 86%

of the French.


More broadly, 43% of respondents have at least “occasionally” difficulties in their daily transportation to access their place of work, studies or other activities. These problems are accentuated among the users of public transit : 74% of users of TER say encounter difficulties “from time to time,” 66% of the users of the metro/RER, 67% of the inhabitants of the paris region, 53% of the suburbs.

Finally, nearly half found that transport is not developed enough in their residential area. These figures show that, at a time when unemployment is one of the main concerns of the population, improve the provision of transport could be “a major factor in this fight,” says the institute Elabe. For the association Wimoov, a simple working information on the means of existing transit would allow many unemployed to find a job.

this Survey was conducted online from December 5 to 9, 2016, with a sample of 1.003 people representative of the French population, according to the method of quotas.


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