A criminal investigation was opened on Thursday, for “deception” on the pollutant emissions of the engines of the French manufacturer.

little by Little, the episodes are linked together, in what begins to look like a French version of the dieselgate. Thursday 12 January, the prosecutor’s office in Paris has ordered the opening of a judicial investigation against X, for ” deceit on the substantial qualities [Renault engines] and the controls carried out “,, and adding as an aggravating circumstance that ” the facts have the consequence of making the goods dangerous to the health of man or animal “.
Three other judges of the pole santé publique du tribunal de grande instance of Paris will lead an investigation to find out whether the French car manufacturer has reduced the emissions of highly toxic nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions of its diesel vehicles.
The central Office for combating damage to the environment and public health (Oclaesp), attached to the gendarmerie and usually used in this kind of case, could be in charge of the investigations. the ” The service that will be has not yet been chosen, , however, reported in the World a spokesman for the prosecutor’s office in Paris. in the co-investigating judges, and they alone, who will make the decision. “
The consumer code provides for a possible offense of aggravated tort of deceit more severe penalties : up to seven years imprisonment and a 750,000 euro fine for those responsible, and a maximum of 10 % of the turnover to pay 4.5 billion euros in the case of Renault.
It is not there. But an additional step has been taken…

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