” The World, ” has studied the programs of the seven candidates for the nomination for the presidential election in order to facilitate understanding by comparing their positions.

Identify the proposals of the candidates
To accomplish this comparator, we studied the different mediums in which the candidates have held their program : Web sites, press interviews, meetings… each time, we found their concrete proposals (around a hundred each), by stretching to the maximum the findings and declarations of intent that do not engage the candidates.
for the sake of readability, we have reformulated these proposals. But we put ourselves at the disposal of our readers, for each of them, the original formulation of the candidate, as well as a link to the source of this information.
For example, Manuel Valls proposes this :
” It will be necessary to improve access to elective functions and to facilitate the exercise, by enhancing the status of elected officials, including local elected officials – which too often we forget that many of them are volunteers [...]. This covers salaries and allowances, but also on a better social security coverage. It will be open access to political responsibilities by facilitating the engagement of people from the private sector, and helping the elect to reconvert when they cease to serve the nation. “
An idea that we have synthesized by the following formula : Strengthen the status of the elect.
a Lot of “holes” in the programs
The campaign for the primary 22 and January 29th did not really start until December, or even at the beginning of January for some candidates. This is reflected in the programs, less thick than those of the primary from the right. Result, many topics have not been treated or by few candidates only.
issues related to The digital, for example, are almost systematically excluded. The foreign policy advocated by the seven candidates is also blurred, so that the suitors of the right had been one of the central themes of their campaign.
so We have contacted the teams of the candidates to clarify their position on several topics, before you can compare them on eighty subjects in the foreground. Requests to which some have responded in a more or less accurate, depending on the case. Others do not have, for the moment, still not responded to our solicitations.
Few subjects are unanimously left
immigration Quotas, decline of the legal age of retirement, abolition of the wealth tax on the… the programmes of The candidates in the primary from the right, in November 2016, concurred on many points, despite a few nuances and issues of discord.
on the left, to the reverse, only a few topics are – almost – unanimously. Thus, most of the candidates are they in favour of the right to vote of foreigners in local elections (promised by François Hollande in 2012), at the opening of the medically assisted procreation (PMA) for same-sex couples or to maintain the ban on shale gas. All also call for tax harmonization in Europe… without necessarily anticipating the difficulty of convincing european partners on a topic that is already on the table for several years.
with the exception of these themes, the topics of harmony are rare. On the contrary, the divisions are displayed on major issues. The opposition is in front of the great reforms of the last five years, as the tax credit for competitiveness and employment (CICE) : Manuel Valls and François de Rugy wish to maintain it, while Arnaud Montebourg and Vincent Peillon want the condition to specific goals. Sylvia Pinel, meanwhile, plans to remove it.
Same observation on the law work, for which Manuel Valls, the then prime minister, had to use the 49.3 three times, but as Arnaud Montebourg and Benoît Hamon want to repeal, and Vincent Peillon amend. Or even on the universal income is unconditional, which polarizes the debate between its advocates (Benoît Hamon and Jean-Luc Bennahmias) and its opponents (Arnaud Montebourg, Vincent Peillon and Manuel Valls).
beyond the balance sheet, of the quinquennium Holland, the left is divided on most issues for the future : Europe, the environment, the economy, the airport of Notre-Dame-des-Landes, the reform of the political system… Each formula its proposals without the intervention of trunk is common to all programs.

Read also : The subjects that divide the candidates in the primary to the left
proposals often vague, or even already applied
Some of the proposals are of an approximate character, or even, sometimes, misleading.
Vincent Peillon calls ” the rapid establishment of a european corps of border guards “… which is already operational since the month of October 2016.
Manuel Valls is inspired byArnaud Montebourg for a proposal like tautological : tax ” all product which will enter the domestic market in violation of social norms and environmental eu “ to ” due proportion of this violation “… whereas, by definition, imports that do not comply with european standards are not allowed on european soil.
François de Rugy proposes to erect into a method of government ” laws, experimental ” : so, rather than take a position for or against the law El Khomri, it suggests to transform it into a temporary law, which would be assessed at the end of five years before being made final. Except that there is nothing to prevent already today the Parliament to reconsider a law passed five years earlier and to make changes based on the lessons that he derives from his application.
Jean-Luc Bennahmias summarizes his position on secularism by… a willingness to apply the law of 1905 separating church and State.
Sylvia Pinel would like to impose the French companies on their profits abroad : this requires a reporting taxes, country by country, which carry out the enterprises. This proposal was already present in the law Fir 2, but it has recently been censured by the constitutional Council.
Benoît Hamon, finally, wishes to cancel the debt contracted by the countries of the european Union. A pious wish which would require the agreement not only of the twenty-seven other european countries, but also of the creditors that currently support the debt.
so Many inaccuracies that the first televised debate of 12 January was not enough to dispel.

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