Thursday, January 12, 2017

Personal account business : CGT, Unsa and Solidaires reservations – Europe1

The CGT and Unsa) have welcomed the personal account of activity (CPA), officially launched on Thursday, by issuing a few reservations, when Solidarity has proved to be more critical, fearing that he puts aside “the people most in difficulty.” The CPA “can be an advanced major social by becoming the receptacle of the base of the rights attached to the person and guaranteed collectively that we demand,” responded the CGT, which covers the last fifteen years a similar project.

Real progress or “low advanced” ? “A default, there will only be a very poor advanced in the light of changes in the work which are in progress and the ambition necessary for the freedom and emancipation in the workplace is becoming a reality, essential for the construction of a living together”, she warned. The project of the CGT, the new status of the salaried work (NSTS), consists of a set of rights attached to the person (employee, self-employed) guaranteed collectively and transferable from one business to another: the right to a salary, seniority, vocational training, retirement, social security, unemployment insurance…

Simplification. at this stage, the CPA brings together two existing accounts – the personal account of training (CPF), the personal account of prevention of the drudgery – and a new account, the one of citizen engagement (CEC), which recognizes association leaders, volunteers, masters of learning, young people in civic service with hours of additional training. Solidarity acknowledges in a press release that this new device “led to some additional rights for non-employee-es and for young people in difficulty.”

Fear of a development of the civic service. But it is “a cover of major changes” that concern the trade union organization, including the development of civic service, “which is not a contract and is now used in some public services and associations in place of posts truly missing”. In addition, Solidarity believes that the CPA “will put aside the people most in difficulty.” “To this day, only 13% of the working population have opened an account staff training, point-of-entry to the CPA,” notes the trade union.

Conducive to the launch of the CPA, the Unsa considers that it should “soon be enriched with new rights, such as the time savings account for example, in order to be a tool and dynamic staff, and a facilitator in the context of the life course”. The integration of the time savings account in the CPA is also a long-standing request of the CFDT.


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