General Motors and Wal-Mart will create thousands of jobs and invest billions of additional dollars in the United States, becoming the latest multinational to satisfy the injunctions of Donald Trump to develop their activities on american soil.
The elected president of the united states, which will be invested Friday, immediately praised the ad on Twitter: “Thanks to General Motors and Walmart have launched the great return of jobs in the United States !”
GM and Wal-Mart are in addition to other big companies (Amazon, Ford, Fiat Chrysler, Lockheed Martin, Toyota, Carrier,…) which have recently announced investments in the United States under the pressure of Mr. Trump, elected on the promise to preserve the manufacturing jobs in the United States.
GM will invest $ 1 billion in its u.s. operations and create in the immediate 1,500 jobs, and eventually up to 5,000 positions.
The first u.s. car manufacturer demonstrated opportunism by emphasizing these investments related to the production of models already in the pipe before the election, however, indicated to the AFP a source close to the dossier on condition of anonymity.
- BMW warned -
“This is a good coup,” said analyst Maryann Keller of the law firm MK&A. “They advertise investments known and were to be formalized at one time or another”, elaborates.
“The United States are our domestic market and we are determined to contribute to a growth benefit for our employees, our dealers and our suppliers,” says CEO Mary Barra, while the country is now the second largest market for GM behind China.
the largest private employer in the United States – 1.5 million”associates” – the brand Wal-Mart goes, she, create approximately 10,000 additional jobs and invest $ 6.8 billion in the opening of new supermarkets and its online auction services.
Aware of the scope of its message that protectionist in the regions workers hurt by the relocation, Mr. Trump had taken to target the automotive industry, once the economic backbone of cities such as Detroit (Michigan, north).
He has promised to renegotiate the free trade agreement, Nafta, involving the countries of Canada and Mexico and impose a customs duty of 35% on mexican imports, which would be a blow to the automotive groups.
Mexico has indeed become, thanks to the Nafta, an important industrial base for automakers selling in the United States and Canada, with lower production costs. The “Big Three” of Detroit (GM, Ford and Fiat Chrysler) are, for example, has opened many factories in the early 2000s to regain competitiveness in the face of competition from asia.
Between 1999 and 2013, foreign direct investment in Mexico exceeded us $ 30 billion, according to the lobby ProMexico, while the United States became in the first quarter of 2015 as the most important destination of exports of vehicles mexican (70%), according to the association of specialized mexican AMIA.
Donald Trump does not spare the foreign manufacturers: after Toyota, it was taken Monday to the BMW, which is building its first mexican plant and expects to start production in 2019.
builders south koreans Kia and Hyundai, which are present on the american market, have taken the lead on Tuesday by promising to increase their investments in the United States during the next five years and to examine the possibility of building a new factory.
for the German Bayer, going on to buy the american giant of GMOS and Monsanto but that has yet to get the green light from competition authorities in the u.s. and europe, he is committed, according to statements issued by the spokesperson of Donald Trump on Tuesday to create 3,000 new jobs in the United States and to maintain all jobs for Monsanto in the United States, or the 9,000 in total.
While confirming at least 8 billion U.s. investment in research and development, the German group has shown, however, in a statement more vague on the number of jobs created or maintained, referring to “several thousands”, without more details.

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