The graphic is without appeal. Released Tuesday by the Association of the Paralyzed of France (APF) which apostrophe François Hollande, it shows that, in five years, the number of job seekers with disabilities has advanced a lot more than for able-bodied people.
there was 486.546 job-seekers, beneficiaries of the employment obligation (BOE or DEBOE) to December 31, 2015, against 370.674 four years earlier, an increase of 7.5 %.
unemployed penalized
During the same period, the job-seekers that are valid are listed under the name of “general public” have, in all categories, namely without any activity or with activity partial, increased by 4.7 %, from 4.977.082 million to 5.593.700 million.
Increase in the number of unemployed persons in situation of disability and the general population. (Association of Paralysed people of France)
Entitled “Employment and handicap in the quinquennium Holland – Setbacks, Initiatives and Results”, this document is a powerful reminder of the president of the Republic at the proposal 32.1 of its program of campaign by which he undertook to “guarantee the existence of a disability in each act,” and to “strengthen the sanctions in case of non-respect of the 6% of disabled workers in the enterprises, public services and local communities”.
An “optical” election
This initiative falls a few days of the european week for the employment of people with disabilities. In a manner also to be heard “in the context of the presidential and parliamentary elections of 2017″, as highlighted in the APF.
The Association considers that “the economic model of public Funding and private for the employment of people with disabilities, weakened by decisions of punctures and exemptions, successive government, proves to be inadequate to cover tomorrow their missions of access and maintenance in employment”.
on The 28th of September, with a budget of “battle in the service of the job to 2017″, the minister of Labour, Myriam El Khomri, stated that “the budgets of Insertion to the economic Activity and workers with disabilities [were] sanctuarisés and even rising slightly : with 1.18 billion euros, they allow you to finance 88.500 aid to the position.”
the deterioration of The situation of persons with disabilities on the job front does not date from the beginning of the quinquennium, as well as the reports to the APF, since in five years – from December 2011 to December 2015, the increase of DEBOE has increased by 65 %. Unemployment is 21 % in this category of the population compared with 9.6 % in the national average.
“The average duration of unemployment of a job seeker’s disability is 788 days compared to 577 days for the rest of the population.”
However, and there is not the least of the paradoxes, the number of disabled people in employment also increased, stresses the document.
A better recognition
This phenomenon is explained by a better recognition of the quality of worker in a situation of disability, and a dynamic and maintaining employment developed in the companies”.
Everything is not black for the Association of the Paralyzed of France, which welcomes some of the measures taken under the five-year term of François Hollande. In particular, the introduction of cumulation between the premium of activity and the allocation disabled adult (AAH), which resulted in a gain of purchasing power “non-negligible” for at least 400,000 people.
The FPA also welcomed the implementation of the personal Account of activity, which allows to preserve the rights of a person whether or not it is operating, as well as the personal Account of training, which are a “nod to a better consideration of the needs of guidance and counselling in the employment” of persons with disabilities.
Denis Demonpion
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